The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The In-Crowd...
Drinking wine and eating cold pizza that my wife brought back for me from the restaurant she went to with her mother who is visiting from Deutschland while I went to band rehearsal. It’s damn good and they even brought back a little container of chilli oil to go with it.

The last week or so has been crazy busy, my wife’s food stall business did a huge outdoor festival over the long weekend here and it involved a ridiculous amount of organisation and prep. I took time off work and went up and assisted. I drove two hours back to Melbourne 3 times to get more food and change and did several shifts cooking and serving customers. We did reasonably well for our first time at such a gargantuan undertaking, made all our money back and some decent profit.

As soon as I got back from the festival I went back to work the next day (yesterday) and got smashed with jobs and stress didn’t finish until 7.30pm. Got smashed with more work and stress today and got home, showered and went straight to band rehearsal.

Now I sit here and all I can think of is how utterly magnificent it’d be to spend a whole day and/or night sitting about doing nothing but internetting and drinking beer in my undies. It has to happen soon or a man just might expire.
I'm without a job again. The company was too young, they decide shit like runaway horses. Serious wtf.

why dont you just get a job at target,walmart or dunkin' donuts or something like a normal person does, instead of getting fired all the time
For reference I can fit my wrist between my thumb and little finger and still have space left to also fit one (or two?) fingers. :)

Post picture, I can't visualize what in the fuck this is supposed to look like at all.

We're about the same height but you weigh almost 20lbs less than me (and I'm only 125).