Dazed and Brutal
Yall About to Witness
My distant Hun/Mongol relatives have made consuming milk difficult for me.
goddamn mane. how do you even trace that bird-bone shit.

My distant Hun/Mongol relatives have made consuming milk difficult for me.
I'm just speculating mostly tbh, no idea if I have any proper Asiatic heritage, but considering that lactose intolerance is fairly rare among my kind (Western/Northern Europeans) and since my Swiss side has some seemingly Asiatic features (they look pretty much just like Himmler), I like to identify as multiethnic.
True. White people are probably the biggest mutts.
Well of course, since "white people" is a socially constructed basically meaningless phrase. For example, Syrians are more white appearing than Greeks or Italians but they're not included in "white people" and often neither are European Jews.
Depends on the definition. In America they would be classified as white for census purposes.
Along with Hispanics.
Hispanics get a separate checkbox for ethnic group though. Semitic people don't.
i always feel prideful when reading about the euro-cesspool of genetics that most of you guys here come from
I thought they were simply grouped together as white?
For the racial category, yes, but they still get a separate question for ethnicity.
Euro-cesspool: computers, electricity, vehicles, democracy, airplanes, physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, calculus, etcetc
Armenoids: unibrows
I'm mad jelly of you
i always feel prideful when reading about the euro-cesspool of genetics that most of you guys here come from
why dont you just get a job at target,walmart or dunkin' donuts or something like a normal person does, instead of getting fired all the time