The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm all about people finding their entrepreneurial spirit. The interwebs are saturated with custom shit but it's not going to satisfy all demand.

We're not trying to take over the world or anything but I'm tired of operating machinery and fixing shit migrant workers fuck five days a week twelve hours a day. I've already told my wife, if we can make within $50 a day of what I'm making now, I'll quit and focus full time on what we're doing. We also garden, occasionally fuck around with woodworking and I dabble with wild mushrooms. I'd really like to be my own boss, we'll see what this year brings.
Stressed to fuck. One of my classes sits their final exam in like 9 weeks and they don’t seem to give a shit about it! So frustrating! Why do I care more than they do?!
It's Saturday morning and the coffee or tea is flowing, let's see your fookin mugs


the owl is part of a series of animal mugs lol
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Friends of mine have the R2D2 mug and give it to me whenever we visit because it's about the only thing out of their entire Star Wars collection that I actually recognise.
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I have zero Star Wars things. I remember watching the first three movies when they came out (and I know calling them "the first three" infuriates some Star Wars fans these days) but I never got interested after Jedi, in fact I got deliberately disinterested. Our friends have the Millennium Falcon and Death Star Lego sets as well as all this shit I don't recognise. It's fascinating conversations around there some days :)
I think I last watched the original ones in about 97 on video when there was a 20 year anniversary release. I'm not a fan and while I probably could watch those three again I doubt I would because there is other things to watch. We've got most if not all of them here on DVD because my wife likes them but I haven't watched them.
The problem always lies in the sequels. Hollywood is not good at making sequels, unless of course you count Sharknado, or maybe Children Of The Corn :lol:
I didn't dislike Empire but I do remember liking the original better. Jedi was saved by Ewoks :)