The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm scared I might get drunkity drunk today. It's saturday and there's two double birthday parties ahead. My mom and grandmother throwing a lunch party in a garden restaurant and then in the evening two friends having a party on a boat in the centre of Prague, plus there's apparently a huge storm coming to the city so both the celebrations might get fucky or more exciting.

There's also a beer festival taking place in the city so we know what to do if we have a free moment in the afternoon. :D
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@zabu of nΩd
an "editor" is going to "edit" your book in a way that will "get more people to read it"
the problem with this is they'll re-write your book into something that is totally different than what you initially intended to make

example, Stephanie Meyer fully intended the first Twilight book to be a completely self-contained story with a definitive ending where "everyone lives happily ever after" the editor completely changed the ending to make a sequel possible and then insisted on the book being a trilogy and then the editor extended the "trilogy" into a quartet only after the first one sold a huge amount of copies

to avoid huge story-altering things like this
you might want to consider some kind of "self-publishing" where you actually control the content of the final product
unless you already have some kind of contract with a publisher, i'd seriously consider this website
Online Self Publishing Book & eBook Company - Lulu
or maybe this one
Category - All
Horseshit. There is no 'going to re-write', it happens in the slimmest of cases and given that only a tiny fraction of the books actually written ever get published by traditional means it's not like it's prominent in the industry. Changing every book they choose to publish does not have reason, publishes don't pay editors to re-write every story they sell. If they don't like the way a story is written they ignore it along with the thousand other manuscripts they get each day.

Books like Twilight are few and far between, if Meyer had gone to them with a three book story they probably wouldn't have accepted it, but with what she gave them they saw promise, they saw something they could market and they put the option to her. Even before the option was offered the publishing house would have known they could sell a series, merch, movie rights and whatever else, changing the book for their purposes had reason which the author happily accepted, as would most authors. Had the author not accepted fame, fortune and the ability to write a series the publisher would have either canned the book and gone on to the next one in the slush pile or they would have paid her for the idea and got their own writers to write what they wanted without her name on the cover.
Arizona ruled. I actually thought about posting pictures, looked in the picture thread and saw it was all spammed up and figured nahh. More effort than what it's worth lol. It's such a beautiful state though could totally see myself retiring there. I've also got 6 days left of this school year. Going to Chicago in two weeks.... for Metal Threat and for some sight seeing. Should be awesome. I plan to eat my ass off.

Also, been binging the fuck out of the show Oz. That shit is brilliant, why didn't I know this before?
Horseshit. There is no 'going to re-write'

Books like Twilight are few and far between
are you sure about this
my whole fucking point was that it's something that happens and i'm pretty sure it's not nearly as rare as you think
and in the specific case of Twilight it was a monumental change
the original ending Bella is transformed into a vampire to save her life in the scene at the end where there's a fight an Bella ends up in the hospital
if you binge-read the series, you can totally tell that the entire second book was thoroughly outlined by an fucking editor with Stephanie really just filling in some blanks, in the first book, Jacob Black isn't even a properly-developed-character, he's just a fucking prop to help the female narrator figure out that the main male is a fucking vampire
and the idea to stretch the trilogy into a quartet wasn't even made until after the third book was heavily outlined
this is why Jacob still doesn't have a girlfriend at the end of the third book, even though the third book describes imprinting
if they'd kept it as a trilogy, the explanation of imprinting would have been earlier in the third book, (or maybe even the end of the second book) and Jacob would have imprinted with someone before Bella got pregnant instead of imprinting on Bella's kid

but then the decision was made to make the 4th book the last in the series instead of doing a 5th book
with explains all the weird-as-shit moments in the 4th book
most of the acid-trippy things about the 4th book were really just the editors painting Stephanie into a corner by insisting the trilogy get stretched into a quartet and then the editors refusing to stretch out the story into a 5th book

if they'd kept Stephanie's original first-book ending of Bella turning into a vampire after the big fight at the end of the first book
Jacob could have easily been used as the male in a same-universe romance novel that wouldn't have had Bella being the narrator
where Jacob's past interaction with Bella wouldn't take up a huge amount of text and Jacob getting married/happily-ever-after would have been Jacob with someone older than Bella instead of Bella's fucking Daughter
i think i'm sober right now
but my posting might be affected by the fact that all my sleep has just been micro-sleep for a while now
I'm listening to some retarded slam in FLAC, tomorrow I'm going to a protest where, hopefully more than 200000 other citizens will join me, and then I'm going to a modern opera about taking a tram.
i'm online in the place that won't let you bring in food
so I've got my brand-new girlfriend sitting out in the courtyard watching all the food we collected over the weekend
Fort Worth has shit-ton of free food on Saturday
here, we call Saturday "tramp day"
the free-food is mostly junk-food/greasy food
including a lot of chick-fil-a and and a lot of pizza
my lineup for the next few days ...
