The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

shitty weather today
roads weren't slick at all. Until they were. ugh!
Was taking a turn at a normal speed and totally lost grip. Slid into a ditch and smashed into the other side.
If I didnt have my seatbelt on I'd be fucked. Side of the truck dug into the grass and bent the hell out of the bottom rail of the sliding door.
Oh well. I still did deliveries. Mail went everywhere. I think I even laughed afterwards. Fucking snow in April.
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That is rough, glad you made it out without injury. I don't miss driving on ice. The fear that takes hold when you start to slide on the ice is something I don't need to experience again.

Used another sick day to dodge an in person meeting. The principal sent an email claiming we have had no covid incidents but I received an email stating a student needed to self-quarantine for 10 days so WTF. Blasting metal and working on a research paper for an online class I am taking. :lol:
fuckin right. Not gonna lie, I got a bit choked up that first time for sure.

Fuckin’ A, man. Same.

Best part of the ultrasound today though was when the doctor, in a very matter of fact tone, stated the baby has two arms and legs. I looked at my wife and said, “Well, guess we’re not having a shokan.”

Hair metal is the most obnoxious, vapid, shallow, narcisstic, money hungry, trendy, image-obsessed, corporate owned, trashy, androgynous, dogshit to ever smear it's godawful fucking legacy on the face of music as a whole

after someone else saying the above, is it still okay for me to say "I love hair metal"??

But has someone truly disagreed with it if they haven't posted their thoughts, a picture and a meme to social media?

Post a picture about how much you disagree with posting pictures about Gillette, then I'll take you seriously.

If a razor falls in the garbage and no one is around to upload it, is it really a boycott?

I used to always wear cargo pants, and I remember the first time I wore rather tight pants to work, a MILFy peer stared at my crotch for a good two seconds, distracted while talking. Not that my flaccid penis or scrotum are worth bragging about or particularly noticeable, but it was kind of an ah-ha moment as to why cargo pants are considered unfashionable.

(That or the natural bagginess of my old pants provided the illusion of a bulge, and she was shocked to not find the slightest contour in my new pants.)

On a related note, I've gotten better at maintaining erections while photographing myself nude, and have figured out better angles for emphasizing my junk. Not worth bragging about erect either, but I always had this seed of doubt when people would say "Oh, it may look big but it's just the angle" because it seemed like I could never find the right angle, but now I feel pretty confident that I could deceive lonely middle aged homosexuals if I ever decided to start camming on xhamster.

#21886HamburgerBoy, Apr 20, 2015
Fuckin’ A, man. Same.

Best part of the ultrasound today though was when the doctor, in a very matter of fact tone, stated the baby has two arms and legs. I looked at my wife and said, “Well, guess we’re not having a shokan.”

Currently at the doctor with the wife and we just heard our baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Some cool shit, man.

fuckin right. Not gonna lie, I got a bit choked up that first time for sure.

So awesome. Watching the valves move and all the measurements was so fantastic too. Baby rms coming in July for me