The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Bought an omnibus of the first three Pokemon Adventures Manga (it covers Red, Blue, and Green volumes) and I forgot how fuckin wild this shit is.
Tumblr clearly doesn't want drug dealers on their site, or any other kind of illegal activity. Remember what happened to Megaupload and Silk Road? If Tumblr can't maintain control over what gets posted to the site, the govt will gladly take control for them
i think with the porn, it was someone bitching
"Tumblr shouldn't be a porn site, Tumblr needs to remove the porn"
i think the people running Tumblr were okay with porn on their site untill somebody made them remove it
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Tumblr clearly doesn't want drug dealers on their site, or any other kind of illegal activity. Remember what happened to Megaupload and Silk Road? If Tumblr can't maintain control over what gets posted to the site, the govt will gladly take control for them
they prolly want to avoid having people use their website for drug dealing but clearly they have no problem with users using their site to identify themselves as dope-fiends
Tumblr clearly doesn't want drug dealers on their site, or any other kind of illegal activity. Remember what happened to Megaupload and Silk Road? If Tumblr can't maintain control over what gets posted to the site, the govt will gladly take control for them
Tumblr is only doing what they actually need to do
they didn't even really get rid of all the porn

and this girl is using Tumblr to try to get dick
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Getting ready to make a 4½ hour drive in stormy weather. Which means I'll probably catch back up to the worst of the storm and pass through it, and then it'll catch back up to me when I get to where I'm staying and have dinner. Then driving to a rock/metal gig about 80 mins from there. Indoors, thankfully!
the worst of the storm
I got that wrong. A bigger band of rain dumped on Wellington after I escaped. I caught up to the less crazy rain & wind on the plateau where the altitude is about 1000 metres, so the visibility was like driving inside the rain cloud for a moment. I ordered a burger at the restaurant but then a tree dislodged by the rain there took out the power in the area I was staying for a few hours. Went and ate in town centre instead and then got to the concert and enjoyed that.

When I was nearly back the actual worst of the storm caught up to me. Never driven in such a short and sharp thrashing of rain before. Had to slow down to less than half highway speed a few times as I couldn't see the lines on the road for all the lines of rain coming directly at the windscreen. Mother Nature earned a Brazzers logo that night.
Since that job at Southtree/Legacybox fell through, I got a job at a Dave and Busters (family bar/arcade) connected to our mall in Chattanooga. Which, roughly pays the same as I was making AND I get to fuckin play arcade stuff on my off-time.

They have a Guitar Hero arcade set up, House of the Dead, a Mario Kart racer, Daytona USA racer, Air Hockey, all kinds of gambling games, etc etc.

I'm pretty fucking stoked to be honest with y'all. Can't wait to clear the board at the Guitar Hero machine.