The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Flew back to Las Vegas to sell my car back to the dealership. Received a call from the realtor who reported one of my neighbors contacted him to express concern over cars parked in my driveway. Rolled by my house and found the neighbors using my driveway as their parking lot. Their truck was half on my driveway half on my lawn. That fucking asshole didn't think it was a big deal. Supposed to close on selling the house in the next 10 days and it can't happen soon enough.
Saw Nile Incantation and Sanguisugabogg lastnight
Sang was ok. I guess a step above meh
Incantation was pretty fucking sweet
Nile blew me away

Karl Sanders was talking to a guy in the front row saying he looks kinda like his buddy Frank Darin (my name on Facebook)
He's like, "my buddy Frank Darin designed our new poster that's on sale over there" *points to their merch*
My friend and I were like, I'm right here, right here!!
then Karl's like, wait, did I just hear that Frank is here tonight? and we keep yelling.
Karl spots me and the crowd parts and a light is on me.
Karl's like, "that motherfucker right there, that's the guy who designed our new poster. Everyone throw up your horns for Frank!"
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