The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

direct quote from hbb: “I retired (my at 100k for pretty much the same reason I'm gradually retiring my music forum presence, just feels like increasingly a waste of time that contributes nothing to my musical enjoyment/discovery anymore”
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direct quote from hbb: “I retired (my at 100k for pretty much the same reason I'm gradually retiring my music forum presence, just feels like increasingly a waste of time that contributes nothing to my musical enjoyment/discovery anymore”

lol but masturbating millions of times a day and then reminiscing about it definitely doesnt sound like a waste of time for him :tickled:
Nah I still buy metal weekly. You not see the huge pile of CDs I’ve bought this year in the vinyl/collectors thread?

I’ve just quit branching out from genres I don’t normally enjoy as much. It’s all gore or doom or 80s style traditional metal any more.
Nah I still buy metal weekly. You not see the huge pile of CDs I’ve bought this year in the vinyl/collectors thread?

I’ve just quit branching out from genres I don’t normally enjoy as much. It’s all gore or doom or 80s style traditional metal any more.

When I was still with my ex, I hardly even listened to metal. I knew she didnt like it, and I somehow was aware of that and subconsciously changed my focus to different genres. I listened to punk/rock/rap almost exclusively. When we broke up, I gradually started coming back to metal, but nowadays these are less extreme subgenres of it. I'm in love with Motorhead, Judas Priest, etc., but I don't find myself listening to, e.g., black metal too often. It's interesting how we change our focus under the influence of people that are involved in our lives. I'm glad we are no longer together though - I could never ditch listening to metal. Fuck all the naysayers who say it's not music but noise, which it is, but fucking enjoyable one!
..... ok so let's do it. Who's starting it up?
