The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Had no idea you've had so many incarnations here so far

I've been on and off active here since like... 2017? I dip out when I feel like my place doesn't belong, but every so often something about this place draws me back in.

I guess its my easiest way to keep in touch with CiG, whose been kind of like an older brother to me for like the last 9 years. Also just...I dunno, a lot of you are really nice to chat with. Its always a treat talking to and joking around with Slammed.
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Nah, we knew each other online for that long. I live in the States. We knew each other on a website called GaiaOnline. He's the one who got me into a lot of the more heavier stuff I gained an interest in, mostly death and sludge metal.

Not really what I listen to here lately (or most metal for that matter) but I'm always and forever thankful.
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If you stay long enough you get to ride a kangaroo while chasing a salt water crocodile.