The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Taught myself Scottie Doesn't Know, or at least that intro riff (which is the only decent part). I heard it for the first time last night at the concert I went to (someone covered it in front of all the parents).

Just got back from my friend's house. I quit my band a while back, but I'm still friends with everyone in it. My friend and ex-bandmate invited me over to hang out, so I went over. Another ex-bandmate was there, and we were hanging out. It turned into an informal jam, but we were mostly playing random hard rock and bits of Maiden songs. Then the third member of my old band came over and it turned into a practice session, except that I was there, which was really awkward. I'm still not sure why I was invited.
But I did try my hand at drumming. It's harder than it looks, for the record. I figured out how to do a basic thrash beat, though.
How novel.

I don't think the Bad News Bears won a single game against Montreal this year.

No and they started the losing streak during last season. This season they were 0-8 during the regular season. And lost the first game in the series...and they are currently on their way to losing the second. So that would be about 15 games in a row with no victories against MTL if we go back to last year.
wondering where my writing talent went. i was on fire this morning. now not so much. oh well, i wrote some awesome riffs this morning
Of course I can. Watch this:

Fuck the fucking Celtics I hope Kevin Garnett gets convicted of child molestation and brutalized in prison by the Aryan Brotherhood.

And I don't even watch basketball.