The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just cracked open a beer. I'm going to try and get 6 beers down in 30 minutes if anyone wants to join me! :)
I just went to to look in the thesaurus for synonyms of "hot" and it said "all coked and strung out iirc"

:lol:Sadly some guys like that look.
I just cracked open a beer. I'm going to try and get 6 beers down in 30 minutes if anyone wants to join me! :)
:loco:You know it's a Monday morning right. Oh hell I'll join ya...I'm still laid off.:erk:
I just got back from my History exam and I think did fairly well. It was fairly straightforward and I am confident in all my answers. I also got my History paper back and I got an 80 (A-). I am really pleased with this because the average grade for arts students at U of T is a C and they grade really harshly so an 80 is very good.
I just cracked open a beer. I'm going to try and get 6 beers down in 30 minutes if anyone wants to join me! :)

Only if it's not that fucking gay shit you yanks brew up. Looks, smells and tastes like piss (with equivalent ABV)



Tastes great
Smells like old boots
Works like laxative crossed with punch to the forehead
Repels women
Grows beards
Makes a man out of faggots
After nearly 20 years of real ale abuse, it is not unusual for me to shit so much the morning after that I rapidly go through the "fizzy brown water" stage of shit to the "dry retching of the anus" stage.

What lager drinkers lack is commitment to true bodily ruin.

I see you come from Leicester GFAD. One of my ex g/f came from Hinkley, so we spent a whole load of time in Leicester.

What a fucking shit hole.