The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Drinking the rest of this shitty smirnoff because am just beyond sick of beer and starting tomorrow am no longer smoking or drinking. rly

I hope so.
1am, just got back from work at my new job...wasn't bad at all :)

Listening to Dead or Alive's You Spin Me 'Round song :oops:
heh its a cool song :p
Consuming some coffee and oatmeal and enjoying my morning before I'm off to class at 11.

np: Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary
I'm currently dead tired. Was at the hospital with my girlfriend until 5h this morning. Then slept for 1h30...took my car to the garage to change the oil. Then went to work. I'm chairing a meeting in 2 hours which will be hard as my English is almost non-existant at the moment.

well, here we go. another day at work. didnt start too well. already gotten one retarded question. thats a sign of more retardedness to come.

np sacred steel... OPEN WIDE THE GAAAATES
Being pissed off that I sent my paper to my professor on Sunday for comment and he didn't get back to me until this morning, a few hours before class.