The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Only if it's not that fucking gay shit you yanks brew up. Looks, smells and tastes like piss (with equivalent ABV)



Tastes great
Smells like old boots
Works like laxative crossed with punch to the forehead
Repels women
Grows beards
Makes a man out of faggots


Shit beer all the way. Old Milwaukee FTW~
About to head out with some friends to see the new Jackie Chan/Jet Li film.


Good movie, except for this one girl who talks in third person. I've seen better Martial arts movies though. I love martial arts movies. I just find them more entertaining than the "action" movies which are mostly shoot, duck, shoot, duck.
Being bored.

Good movie, except for this one girl who talks in third person. I've seen better Martial arts movies though. I love martial arts movies. I just find them more entertaining than the "action" movies which are mostly shoot, duck, shoot, duck.

The American character was by far the weakest. Brought the film down a peg. A whole peg! But besides that, the movie was great, like a cliche Kung-Fu film on a Hollywood budget.
The movie would have been just as awesome, if not more, if the whole thing was a continuous Jackie Chan vs. Jet Li fight.
Rutgers doesn't even do - grades. :lol: For example, pretty much everything between an 86.9 and an 80 is a B.

Yeah, USC doesn't do - grades as far as I know. We do have +'s though.

Anyway, just got home from a long drive after finishing up the semester. Also, being pleased with my straight A's ftw

In four semesters total, all A's except for one B+