The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Ah, it's just a personal review about the physics class I'm taking, I've bitched about that class here before-- it's sort of an introduction to advanced concepts in physics and molecular biology with commentary on society and music interspersed throughout. It's a pretty sweet class, but I think writing a four page review of it might be a little extreme.
You lost me at physics :p

Butsrsly. Do it. It'll be like
"My review relating reliably towards the class in question"
And then four pages of it. The teacher will be "SAY WAAAA?"


The new sabaton is too fucking epic for words.
The new sabaton is too fucking epic for words.

Right now I'm listening to Old Man's Child - "Felonies of the Christian Art." Epic, beautiful song.

Also, I don't know if I'm really coherent enough right now to alliterate all of my words, since it's past 3AM here, but I was sorely tempted. Perhaps instead I'll just write in excessively flowery language, that will faster fulfill the word count requirements and it demands less thought :rolleyes:
in that case, let's talk about highly sensitive personal information while on this board. because you don't trust the people on this board. but i actually like them. it'll be awesome.
Loving the fact that after a nice hot few days off from work, the cooler weather returns for the week, perfect for working on the estate.
So my exam went well, I think. I have another this afternoon (english literature) which I'm not so confident about. I'm hoping for a good question or I'm screwed.
They're like little asian women.
All subserviant and that.
But Asian women aren't permitted to speak...

Some fucking fish.
I felt fish was too fucking metal to put on the grocery list.

That could have been photoshopped. You'll have to do better.

Good night, and good luck
I hated that movie. Probably because I was 3 feet from the screen and really tired and hungry.

I can't listen to death metal and revise.
I get distracted by the awesome.
I find that some steady, grinding death metal actually helps me focus.
:p There was an awesome day in the pics thread once where I think it was Nec kept finding pictures of peoples house.
I thought that was Kil, but yeah, it was awesome.