The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm showing how fucking awesome I am by catching up with, and replying to, 4 pages of missing What Are You Doing pages.
How fucking awesome/bored am I on a sunday afternoon :cool:

Also, you guys all spelled McLachlan wrong :lol:

She spelled McLachlan wrong then. I know a guy of actual scottish decendance/ants/ancets?
It's McLauchlan

I was trying to get my boyfriend out of bed to help me move something, but he won't, so I've given up.

Rape him. Though it's not defunct.

enjoy your stay before you get creeped out/get fed up with the faggotry that is GMD.

:lol: They've both been here atleast a month. Winter longer I think. Just didn't have herself in her avatar before.

I'm 20, sorry kid :p

I'm legal.

you people are going to have to try harder.

You make me harder.
That done it yet? :lol:

I think I've been poked like once in the few years I've had facebook.

I wasn't aware you had a vagina.


Maybe I would pick neither. Maybe I'd pick someone else. Did you consider that? :err:

I hear people called Joe who don't live in America are fucking awesome.

I've got everything set up in the kitchen for him. Now wake up goddammit.

Slap him with your penis.
It's the only way.

End. Fuck people with RSS.
I'm listening to Ludacris now.
How fucking black am i.
Got up, made some coffee and waiting for one of our guests to make pancakes. It's a yearly tradition that this guy make us blueberry pancakes when he visits every summer. I've got everything set up in the kitchen for him. Now wake up goddammit.

Check your pm box.
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night but I can't go back to bed because it's already past 10 here and I woke up this morning and got into an argument on the phone with my boyfriend :(

I'm tired.
Watching tv, at the same time chatting with my friends on msn messenger, in the mean time talking with my mother to let me pierce my right ear.
Piercings in the right ear aren't very metal either.

I just realized my small itunes library has 1337 songs. (00|.
Watching tv, at the same time chatting with my friends on msn messenger, in the mean time talking with my mother to let me pierce my right ear.

I already pierced my left ear, and now i am going for the right one.

Unless you plan to at the same time get about 6 or 7 at the same time, this is pretty gay tbh.
I had an uncle with tons in his ears and it was alright because there were alot, and they were random. But having a matching pair is a thing women do.


I was fucking kidding and now people are fucking with me. great

:lol: Hardly a new phenononononenoneoneom is it.
Unless you weren't kidding about packing canadians.