The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

You just need to get lots of tigers and lions together.
Same with be a zebronkey, or mule, breeder.

EDIT: Fucking hell, for "The total cost of the project is anticipated to be between €3.2 to €6.4 billion" it better do something fucking amazing.
shit that was funny.

You just need to get lots of tigers and lions together.
Same with be a zebronkey, or mule, breeder.

EDIT: Fucking hell, for "The total cost of the project is anticipated to be between €3.2 to €6.4 billion" it better do something fucking amazing.
1. lions are faggots, though.
2. Dude, do you know how much we throw into NASA so that we could golf on the moon? This has the potential to do much more good.
Which is very important, genius. See, this is science. It's not an "I told you so" thing, it's "okay, our fundamental assumptions have been validated, allowing us to advance with some degree of confidence"
Every time I get on AIM you're not there :( It makes me sad.

Why do you have cramps? I'm sorry...
Oh I'm on at the sames I always am. Bad timing I think.

I helped a friend move her furniture between flats.. almost like an unscheduled gym session.

Not sleeping for as long as I can.
We could always use a new regular.

Anyway, I'm doing my summer reading. I chose all the shortest books and one is about michael jordan. The only thing more boring to me than watching sports is reading about them.