The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Listening to WORMED and really enjoying it. These guys are excellent.
If you like weirdness in your brutal death metal then you'll love Dripping. Seriously, what the fuck.
fucking weird stuff, but awesome.

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333 for me...

played D&D. My rogue kicked ass
My dnd group hasn't played in over a month. we won't be able to play until next weekend. part of this is due to our rogue and his new pot habit, which seems to be all-consuming. We're thinking of just playing without him and having someone else play for him.
I've completely failed my running routine as a result of being away + rain. I need to get a cable for my cell phone so I can put music on it so I'll have something to listen to while I run.
Making progress with my arms, though.
I don't have an iPod and can't afford to buy one for myself. My phone has iPod-type capabilities, although it's only a 2 gig drive. That's plenty of room to load it full of aggressive death and thrash to keep me going.
it's verizon.
I think it's like LG something or other.
It's metallic and only comes in that.
It does more shit that I know what to do with.
My dnd group hasn't played in over a month. we won't be able to play until next weekend. part of this is due to our rogue and his new pot habit, which seems to be all-consuming. We're thinking of just playing without him and having someone else play for him.
i hate that shit.
My DMs are in South Carolina and Arizona.. so I have to settle for only decent dming
it'll be easier once we kick him out, which I sense is coming.
this is hard because we're all best friends but he's kinda withdrawn, he's hanging out with a bunch of stoners, he frequently will be hanging with us and then leave to go smoke pot, he's kinda stopped listening to metal, he's become completely irresponsible and unreliable, and often acts like a total dick. The one thing is that he owes me money and has a ton of my stuff that I want back...books, a guitar, cds that he claims he gave back, a distortion pedal, etc.
it'll be easier once we kick him out, which I sense is coming.
this is hard because we're all best friends but he's kinda withdrawn, he's hanging out with a bunch of stoners, he frequently will be hanging with us and then leave to go smoke pot, he's kinda stopped listening to metal, he's become completely irresponsible and unreliable, and often acts like a total dick. The one thing is that he owes me money and has a ton of my stuff that I want back...books, a guitar, cds that he claims he gave back, a distortion pedal, etc.

Do not lend that dude any more money.
I don't.
I remember at one point (when he owed me money) watching him fork over a $20 for about a gram of shitty pot (it was indeed quite shitty pot). I think that was when I knew deep down inside I'd never see my money again.
Except strictly speaking it's not mine, it's my mom's.
See, (boring story ahead) we got tickets for Opeth, my mom paid for them with her credit card, and I gave them to my friends when they paid. Everyone paid (although Elias, the guy I'm talking about, paid almost the day of the show), but one person (who I didn't know too well) flaked, so I had an extra ticket. I planned to sell it at the show, but when we were on the train to the show, Elias realized he left his ticket at home. So, against my better judgement, I let him have the second one with promises that he'd pay me back (he bought merch at the show, btw).
Fucking asshole.