The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Well first of all, I was sort of one all my life. I still ate a bit of meat, but not much. Then about 4-5 years ago (can't remember) I said what the hell and became a full one. Also, I've noticed since I've stopped eating meat all together I became a bit healthier. Also the fact that I love animals. Then people ask the question "But plants die also". Plants don't have nerves, and can't feel pain. Also, it takes a lot of energy to get meat packaged, killed, etc.
Well first of all, I was sort of one all my life. I still ate a bit of meat, but not much. Then about 4-5 years ago (can't remember) I said what the hell and became a full one. Also, I've noticed since I've stopped eating meat all together I became a bit healthier. Also the fact that I love animals. Then people ask the question "But plants die also". Plants don't have nerves, and can't feel pain. Also, it takes a lot of energy to get meat packaged, killed, etc.

so then why do you eat eggs
The dairy industry is just as bad as the meat industry IMO. Factory farming is responsible for more CO2 pollution than anything else, including cars. Animals are also raised in unreasonable environments, usually to spend their entire lives (longer than those of animals raised for meat) confined to a single cell, usually not even big enough to turn around in. It's rarely cost-effective to treat disease, so sick animals are often left in that condition and milked or bred anyhow. Most of the milk you get has at least some blood, urine and pus in it.
There are a lot of other terrible things that happen in the dairy industry, but I can't think of them off the top of my head right now. Anyhow I think its almost worse that many animals have to spend their entire lives like this when at least those raised for butchering get to die sooner.
Thanks. I'm going to use that as an excuse from now on to roll out of bed every morning and eat a double bacon cheeseburger with curly fries.
:kickass: :lol:

Breakfast sucks. If I eat a bowl of cereal, I get hungry again in an hour. I need meat! something that will make a difference.
Cereal is like trying to dig a hole with a nerf football. Meat is like using a backhoe. Think about it...
Drinking coffee and going to go outside smoke a cig and look at the rain and sky for a few. It's lightning out.
:kickass: :lol:

Breakfast sucks. If I eat a bowl of cereal, I get hungry again in an hour. I need meat! something that will make a difference.
Cereal is like trying to dig a hole with a nerf football. Meat is like using a backhoe. Think about it...

I actually can't have too much fat in my diet and I don't like piles and piles of steaks etc anyway.
Just finished arguing with some host in DotA about how ATG is better than IF. I was custom kicked (a hack that lets you kick people during the game)
Drinking a mexican coke (made with pure cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup) it kicks ass imo. and watching the rain and lightening.
Just finished arguing with some host in DotA about how ATG is better than IF. I was custom kicked (a hack that lets you kick people during the game)
IF have produced far more quality music than ATG.

I want to use my cellphone as an mp3 player for jogging, as previously mentioned. For this purpose, I needed to not only buy a cable to connect the phone to the computer (Not included, fucking faggots), but also purchase the software to do so. It also turned out that while at the time of purchase I was told I had 2 gigs of memory on the phone, it was actually 64 megs, so I had to purchase a gigabyte of flash memory. Total was over $35 for stuff that should have been included. Fucking faggotry, imo. What's worse is that the software decided to fuck up on my computer, so I had to use my moms to put shit on the cell phone.