The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

All club age limits are 18, however kids (usually for birthdays) can hire them out, there for reduce the age limit, however you still have to be 18/21 or over to get served. So its beer from home, get bladdered then arrive in style. Those were the days.
Had a real lame day yesterday. Friend leaves a depressing suicide note thing, spend about 9 hrs looking for him in NYS. Then we found out he just drove to his grandma's in PA. Then I get a little drink on, get totally fucking plastered playing King's Cup, god damn what a whore of a drinking game, wake up and im fucking covered in black permanent marker. Oh and I vomited so I feel like shit. And awesomely I forgot about Windir's - Arntor on ebay that went for like 14$ and I totally would have wanted it son of a fucking bitch.
Had a real lame day yesterday. Friend leaves a depressing suicide note thing, spend about 9 hrs looking for him in NYS. Then we found out he just drove to his grandma's in PA. Then I get a little drink on, get totally fucking plastered playing King's Cup, god damn what a whore of a drinking game, wake up and im fucking covered in black permanent marker. Oh and I vomited so I feel like shit. And awesomely I forgot about Windir's - Arntor on ebay that went for like 14$ and I totally would have wanted it son of a fucking bitch.

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