The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I am psyched for classes to start.

I am never excited to start my classes. I dread every day that draws nearer to the moment i must enter public and be immersed with zombies. I think i've been nearly run over by rich kids and their fancy cars three times now.
Waiting for my girlfriends to come over. We're having girls night and I've rented Titanic 2000, a movie which promises to be positively awful. It's basically a porn spoof of the original Titanic movie except in this version it's called the TITanic and it has an evil lesbian vampire named Vladmirina on board. It looks just terrible.

Pics of the mandatory naked pillow fight please. Actually a movie would be better- it's nice watching things bounce around.
Just came back from Gung-Ho with 1stpress Blessed are the Sick and about to sit here all day because I'm fucking lazy.