The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The sexism part of your post (as well as the extreme) makes me doubt you really understand this stuff. For one thing, a chick in a corset with a chain is hardly the extreme end of the spectrum. And secondly you should probably understand the concept of dominant/submissive partner before you throw accusations of sexism around.

As for Vossyrus, I suspect this is just a goth fixation and not an actually proclamation of masochistic tendencies.
His sig is just weird, the leash mostly, but nowhere near the extreme sections of it. Thus, it is fine with me

I think he should just change the avatar because of it just being bad...

I don't want to dissect bondage any longer but I do see what you are saying about sexism.
I agree about the av, and frankly I'm not a fan of the sig either, mostly because I think it's extremely silly, but then the whole vampire fixation thing is too, and this is coming from someone who's favorite show is Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Vampires are lame, expect the book/movie Interview With A Vampire. I don't see how people get interested in that to a certain level. Vossyrus, care to explain?
I certainly understand it to some degree - they're fucking cool - but they've become way too goth. The book Blood Brothers is actually a good fantasy novel dealing with them. Fucking metal as shit.
I think both of you over analyze things far too much. The sig is just artwork (done by a woman) which was used for the cover of an album that I own. As for my avatar, I'll change it back to what it was just so you both stop whining! :)

And I enjoy vampires, but I think only a couple of pics I've taken have reflected a 'vampire' portrayal - none of my recent ones do. As for 'Interview' I thought it was somewhat enjoyable but I think Anne Rice is an average writer with some good ideas, and I think most vampire films range from garbage to average, and occasionally good.
What the fuck is in your sig?

I will check it out for sure. I will take it you read Interview...?
'fraid not. It's on my list. Long list.
It's by Brian Lumley, it might be tricky to find, and it's kinda weird.

I think both of you over analyze things far too much. The sig is just artwork which was used for the cover of an album that I own. As for my avatar, I'll change it back to what it was just so you both stop whining! :)

And I enjoy vampires, but I think only a couple of pics I've taken have reflected a 'vampire' portrayal - none of my recent ones do. As for 'Interview' I thought it was somewhat enjoyable but I think Anne Rice is an average writer with some good ideas, and I think most vampire films range from garbage to average, and occasionally good.
Also the title of "vampyricist" etc. It's more of an overall Goth thing than a vampire thing.
Also the title of "vampyricist" etc. It's more of an overall Goth thing than a vampire thing.

Yes, vampires are great but I'm not proclaiming to be a vampire or a goth, whatever interests me will interest me but I'm just pointing out that I'm not fixated on trying to be something. I mean people have accused me of being vain, and if you can believe it, of trying to look "tough" and "macho" in my pics before :lol:

And for the record, I'm not a misogynist...
The general aesthetic that appeals to you, however, seems to be a rather gothic one.
Understand that this isn't an attack, by the way. That London After Midnight thing was really cool, btw.
Dudes, even I knew what Vossyrus' sig was. It's the Draupnir album cover. :)

Also, BDSM rules. If you're not into it, then you're just not into it, I guess. You kind of have to be pretty kinky to really understand what the attraction in it is. And some people are just vanilla. Nothing wrong with that.
Laughing my ass off on a guy being totally an emo and listening to Black Metal. Oh those scene kids, they must be incinerated.
I think I pretty much understand it actually.

Oh yeah have posted this before? It's highly amusing:

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