The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sitting here chilling after smoking some fine weed today. I fucked around with a friends girlfriend all day and she left me some wicked hickies and it led to her going about another girl giving me them when he picked her up.

You don't really know if the other person believes it or not regardless if you honestly think you do.

Not that I care.
Thats one I have in my head. I am going for a Lit/Writing type of major so not sure if they cater to that. For some reason I am think it is a medical school.

My cousin says Loyola's a good choice for that area of study, but University of Chicago is the best for them, if you can get in.

And Loyola is not a medical school. My cousin is a communications major.
Do you know where you are going now?
Obviously if I'm still writing apps I haven't sent them in and been admitted yet and so haven't enrolled and don't know where I'm going.

I'll go to NYU if I get a scholarship/financial aid, Harvard if I get in (not happening, but they did send me stuff so what the hell, you never know and it'd kick ass)

Of the schools that I should get into and can afford to go to, that's McGill, University of Toronto, University of Washington, and UMass Amherst. Of those I'm split between Toronto and Washington. Visits will hopefully help me choose.

I thought you were taking a year off?
I will. The standard practice is to apply, enroll, and then defer.

My Swiss Army knife has both a bottle opener and a corkscrew. You really ought to buy one. Just hook it to your keychain.

The best reason to join the Swiss Army.
Okay, first off, what's with mommy and daddy, like real men can pay college tuition at age 18?
Secondly, I will be contributing what I can, which will come from workstudy plus working during my year off.
The year off is for various reasons.
People say I won't want to go back but I've instructed my parents to kick me out of the house after a year regardless, so I will be going to college either way.
My cousin says Loyola's a good choice for that area of study, but University of Chicago is the best for them, if you can get in.

And Loyola is not a medical school. My cousin is a communications major.

University Of Chicago is what I am looking at the most. It won't be hard to get in for anyone with a decent GPA in school. I have a low A GPA and you need a high B to get in. Plus, with some activities than I will be set. The film school is something I am highly interested in also.
Even at a relatively cheap school the total cost will be close to $150,000. No 18 year old has money like that. Of course my parents are paying.

Going to the adirondacks for a week. Try to keep the homosexuality under control.
Even at a relatively cheap school the total cost will be close to $150,000. No 18 year old has money like that. Of course my parents are paying.

More like $80,000, but yeah.
College is so fucking overrated if you're not going into it for a well-paying job...