The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It matters what you want to do in live if you like your job...

I finished a 6 year med school overseas and so what...I couldn't pass my boards, so I was working in a hospital for the past 8 years as a PT tech and I just got laid off on Monday, so I decided to go to a EMT training for $1,600 for 4 months and after that Paramedic training for 1 year for $6,000 and currently I'm getting a job at CVS as a ******** least it pays the bills
So I was looking up the lyrics to the Black Dahlia Murder's Unhallowed and I finally found out what the intro and outro are from. I assumed they had gotten a hold of the actual autopsy but it's actually from this:
Butchering the Human Carcass for Human Consumption
Fucking disturbing.

I was watching this docu about this cannibal in Germany who met this guy online who wanted to be eaten and his last post was to him before he came over was "I hope I'm tasty" now that's fucked up
My Swiss Army knife has both a bottle opener and a corkscrew. You really ought to buy one. Just hook it to your keychain.


UMass Amherst.

Go to this one because it has UM in the name.

Listening to Forbidden - Forbidden Evil.
It's kicking my ass like there ain't no shame.