The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

cant drink bush, you gotta eat it. *nudge nudge*

Thats what I mean. For some reason we always end up with that fucking brand.

Bush is not bad. Before I was 21 friends and I would always end up with Milkwaukee.

I don't really drink much now and rarely go out to bars. I started drinking around 15 and lately just don't really see the point, but will have a beer here or there.
Listening to From The Dark Past by Mayhem and wondering how cute kind and jolly goody two-shoes Norway ever could become such a growing ground for such evil music.
actually, thats a funny image. the vikings slaughtering the monks at lindesfarne in knitted sweaters and then having hot chocolate...

It´s really fascinating though,now i cant say this for sure but i guess most metal people in the world´s first contact with Norway was through black metal,shaping their image of how the country would be so to speak. But it´s kinda ironic because in Sweden the typical cliché of a Norwegian is just what i said. There´s this saying that you cant say "i´m depressed" in Norway because even that sounds happy in Norwegian.
Listening to music.

some recent text messages between me and a friend for the hell of it.

Friend: did she give you a blowjob.

Me: what do you think.

Friend: she did

Me: shes going to fuck around with both of us and who knows who else. Im not going out of my way.

Friend: yea I prolly wont fuck her again who knows what she has esp. since she was with chris.

she can't have sex until next week and told me she is going to fuck me.

I hate this shit sometimes regardless that being such close friends are probably going to just fuck around with her.

We both met her at the sametime and I knew this shit was going to happen.