The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Things that suck about having a girl in your appartment
1.You have to be silent when taking a shit.
2.You cant jerk off whenever you want.
3.You cant go buy a bag of potatoe chips and eat like a pig in your underwear.
4.You cant jerk off whenever you want.
5.You cant watch whatever you want on the tv.
6.You cant surf porn.
7.You cant blast Day Of Suffering from your stereo until your speakers burst
8.You cant jerk off whenever you want.

If you lived with me, you could do all that stuff. I mean, if you're okay with me eating potato chips in my underwear.

So maybe those are just things that suck about having a prudish girl in your apartment.
being annoyed that I got NO sleep at all because my mum came in my room just as I was about to drift off to sleep. She needed a torch because she fused all the lights somehow.

Grr took me about 20 minutes to find it as well. By then I was fully awake and now I have actuallu had no sleep AT ALL and it's 7;00 AM here.

I had planned on doing things that require being fully alert today as well ffs.
I'm staying at my parents' beach house for the weekend for some long-overdue time with my family (now that I finally don't have to spend every day at work). Some family that I haven't seen in the last year is here visiting from the East coast, so I'm happy to see them. I'm suddenly the favorite kid in the family because this year I transferred to both my grandpa and uncle's alma mater, the University of Washington, so now we're planning how we should enjoy our tequila when we watch UW's first big football game of the season tomorrow night. It should be a fun weekend. :)
It's 17:15, I'm slowly deciding about where to drink today. I'm a very lazy person. My range of where I'd go is about 200 meters. There's a nice pub about 100 meters from my home where they have Pilsner (I've been there yesterday, had 3 beers and it was okay), and there's a theatre about 200 meters !uphill! whre they have 10° Bernard, both with nice gardens so I'm not decided yet. First thing I'll do is buying one Pilsner and drinking it at home, so I have free mind when deciding such an important question. Maybe I'll fall asleep afterwards, which would be total lazybastardness but who fucking cares.