The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah, probably a Principles of Finance class. That's mandatory for the majority of business students in the US at least.

Kudos to you for doing Accounting, man. I almost did a double major in ACCT/FINC, but I wanted to fucking graduate in exactly four years. I should have stayed the extra year looking back.

I was a double major in ACCt/FINC but i don't want to goto school that much longer. Fuck that, can't stand university now, i'll probably go on a killing spree. I graduate in fall 09 finalfuckingly. Bout time too, i'm getting old and all the kids there are getting younger. And oddly enough, they all tend to start looking being the only band shirt toating long haired bearded guy on campus. 0.o
Trying to fill out this UCAS shit, for clearing crap, but I dont know any of my grades as I did them years ago, and havent done a personal statement cos its gay. Plus a girl has just busted my balls, and im fucking knackered after work, I really hate everything right now.
Got a state inspection for my car today, and apparently I have five parts that need to be replaced. :erk:

I got a quote from the shop that did the inspection, and they wanted about $900 for the repairs ($585 for parts, $236 for labor, plus tax and other shit), so I said fuck that and decided I would do the work myself. It'll be my first real maintenance project on a car. All the parts (minus a tire) cost me only $175 online, and I guess the tire will be about $50 to $75 depending on what I can find. So yeah, fuck mechanics.

Btw, if anyone knows of a cheap place to buy tires for a Ford Escort, let me know.
I'm only watching it so I can jerk off to Governor Palin

Anyone else notice that Palin has the most absolutely idiotic political views known to man?

Wikipedia said:
In 2006, while running for governor, Palin was asked what she would do if her own daughter were raped and became pregnant; she responded that she would "choose life".

Wikipedia said:
She has stated that: "If the legislature passed a death penalty law, I would sign it. We have a right to know that someone who rapes and murders a child or kills an innocent person in a drive by shooting will never be able to do that again."

Wikipedia said:
On August 29, 2008, Palin stated in an interview: "A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one, though, who would attribute it to being man-made."

Wikipedia said:
In January 2008, Palin wrote an opinion column for The New York Times in which she opposed the listing of polar bears as an endangered species, claiming that she had based her position on a comprehensive review of expert scientific opinion.

What the FUCK
Just bought me a Nevermore poster. Downloading Spore to see me through til I can buy a legit copy, which'll be sometime next week.
Just got done with my second set of jogging, crunches and pushups. Taking 3000 mg of l-glutamine and 500 mg of l-lysine and a whey shake. Muscle growth is wonderous.
Indeed. Although i don't mess around with glutamine, only Isopure Creatine and Whey Protein.

I've heard many horror stories about Creatine. Mainly pissing blood and a sort of 'roid rage', is it true? What exactly does Creatine do for the body anyways, noone ever has an answer for me.