The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've heard many horror stories about Creatine. Mainly pissing blood and a sort of 'roid rage', is it true? What exactly does Creatine do for the body anyways, noone ever has an answer for me.
I can't give you the scientific response but basically it helps you retain water in your muscles. Ive been taking it on/off for years and never once pissed blood etc, i only get mildly dehydrated from it.

I recommend you try it, you will get a nice energy burst from it and most importantly become stronger. You will notice an increase in your weightlifting in 1 half - 2 weeks.
Taken from Wiki: Creatine is nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates and helps to supply energy to muscle and nerve cells.

It works for me and i've been lifting for 9 years now. I'd try it if i were you, you'll see results.
Taken from Wiki: Creatine is nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates and helps to supply energy to muscle and nerve cells.

Mmm yeah, seems to be the same thing. I'll have to look into it. Do you know anything about this Wheybolic Extreme 60 stuff? Or Whey isolate 28? Seems like a marketing scheme to me, but they may be worthy.
Just worked on some of my songs that I've written. I made it a bit more heavier, and changed to vocals to growls, so now it's more death thrash with a couple black metally parts.
@Skies, Can't say i've heard of extreme 60 or iso 28. That shit is expensive enough so i don't intend on spending any more than 40 bucks on a big bottle of protein.
@Skies, Can't say i've heard of extreme 60 or iso 28. That shit is expensive enough so i don't intend on spending any more than 40 bucks on a big bottle of protein.

Yes, quite expensive. Gets cut down first 7 days of the month for me through GNC but i don't know anyone that's taken either. I might check out some creatine when i go in there tomorrow. Any specific form of Creatine, or are they all the same?
Enjoying my last day of real freedom, since tomorrow will be getting ready for school.

Sitting here at work, wishing I looked like an ape so I would be able to bench 350 lbs.

Anyone else notice that Palin has the most absolutely idiotic political views known to man?

What the FUCK
Honestly, I almost want her to win just for the lulz.
Also, she was a secessionist. Which frankly should disqualify her.

Just worked on some of my songs that I've written. I made it a bit more heavier, and changed to vocals to growls, so now it's more death thrash with a couple black metally parts.
Let's hear.

Just helped a German girl with her English paper.

Is she hot? Did you get her number?
putting on my uniform to go work my woderful job as a wal-mart greeter. I think today I'll leave my penis hanging out so at least those assholes will turn to my direction.