The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sitting here and got reading an argument on facebook... about a group wanting another one banned. (lol)

The group that they wanted to get rid of was "Soldiers are not Heroes"

I sat there and I thought about it... and... I kinda agree with it... (but I'm not going to get into any reasoning atm, I dont feel like arguing)
reading through it was mildly amusing... considering I believe the group was created in Manchester... and protesting the Iraq War... and so many posts were "Love Her or Leave Her, America forever you fucking assholes ban them ban them facebook seriouz buzinezs!!!111!!1!one!!!!!eleven1111"
i HATE the "love it or leave it" argument. these bumper sticker patriotic arguments make me hate the country i represent. these are the people who cant admit americas faults, largely because theyre too stupid to understand anything longer than "if you dont support our troops, get in front of them"
just took a crap.
had a friend come over and play my Marshall amp, hopefully he buys it.
I never use the damn thing anymore.
Im looking to sing in a powermetal band, not play the guitar.
"if you dont support our troops, get in front of them"

I dont get that saying at all... if you dont support the war, jump into it suicide head first!

People just try to make themselves seem overly patriotic... I love the "Go live in Pakistan/Iraq/*insert country most americans fear here* then" comments too...

Edit: And... I like America too... but I'll be damned if I'm going to risk my life for it... If there's a draft in the next 10 years, I'll head to Canada. >_____>
the draft is a horrible idea. hell, I'D probably go to canada too. i dont wanna work with some fucks who have no interest in doing their job.
i HATE the "love it or leave it" argument. these bumper sticker patriotic arguments make me hate the country i represent. these are the people who cant admit americas faults, largely because theyre too stupid to understand anything longer than "if you dont support our troops, get in front of them"

srsly. I didn't even go out on the 4th because I couldn't stand to be around the ignorant asshattery.