Top 5 WORST metal albums of all time...

This place is amusing though... stating your opinion or saying that you like something is a declaration of war. :lol:
No, but thanks. It isn't ridiculous for me to ask you to record something that you claimed that anyone could make, because I'm only asking you to prove your point.

Not anyone could record that album. I'm going to assume that you hate extremely primitive and minimalistic black metal bands (Ildjarn, Von), but the fact that many bands have attempted the same style of music as them and done it very poorly, along with their continued influence on the genre as a whole and recognition from their contemporaries, generally indicates to me that they were definitely talented at what they did and that not anyone could do what they did.

Realistically, if it was so easy to do, more bands would play that style of music. Just because it's extremely simplistic by intention doesn't mean that anyone can play it, and play it authentically at that.

the music is horrible. that's it really. no good memorable riffs. sloppy as fuck. do you honestly think a whole lot of thought and talent went into something like Metal of Death? the reason they keep getting fellated online is because they were amongst the earliest to do this totally inaccessible style.
the whole point is that it's unique and evil

there's nothing that comes close to the atmosphere

it's creepy as fuck. jesus listen to it again without expecting catchy tunes
the music is horrible. that's it really. no good memorable riffs. sloppy as fuck. do you honestly think a whole lot of thought and talent went into something like Metal of Death? the reason they keep getting fellated online is because they were amongst the earliest to do this totally inaccessible style.

Thought, talent...these may be important to you, but to the artist, not always. Different aims demand different kinds of criticisms. Art is always a statement. Beherit's statement was one of raw, animalistic primitivism in the face of music they thought was too complicated, too embellished. I'd say they succeeded in expressing what they wanted to very well. You might not like what they did, but your criticisms are faulty; if you went up to Holocausto and said "hey you didn't write any catchy headbanging riffs!" I bet he'd laugh because you misunderstood the artist's intent. Artists aren't around to please people.
i think you should give it another chance

drawing down the moon, i mean

do you even like black metal?

also that album is so mellow, it's almost not metal

you really gotta give it another chance
Thought, talent...these may be important to you, but to the artist, not always. Different aims demand different kinds of criticisms. Art is always a statement. Beherit's statement was one of raw, animalistic primitivism in the face of music they thought was too complicated, too embellished. I'd say they succeeded in expressing what they wanted to very well. You might not like what they did, but your criticisms are faulty; if you went up to Holocausto and said "hey you didn't write any catchy headbanging riffs!" I bet he'd laugh because you misunderstood the artist's intent. Artists aren't around to please people.

clowns like 50 cent keep making album after album with neither thought nor talent.
i think you should give it another chance

drawing down the moon, i mean

do you even like black metal?

also that album is so mellow, it's almost not metal

you really gotta give it another chance

i own both albums and have listened to them numerous times. Drawing Down the Moon puts me to sleep. Not terrible just blah. Oath is just horrible IMO.
And yes I like black metal. I love Burzum, early Darkthrone, early Mayhem, Emperor, Bathory, Nokturnal Mortum (I've got To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire on right now), etc.
maybe you don't like the production

it sounds like the weird vocals are on top of everything else

you know what? i'm listening to it right now and it's just fucking incredible. did you notice how fucking gaunt and dead the guitar work is?

thats nothing like what everyone is churning out. the riffs might be simple but so were black sabbaths. holy mother of christ beherit rules
maybe you don't like the production

it sounds like the weird vocals are on top of everything else

you know what? i'm listening to it right now and it's just fucking incredible. did you notice how fucking gaunt and dead the guitar work is?

thats nothing like what everyone is churning out. the riffs might be simple but so were black sabbaths. holy mother of christ beherit rules

maybe i'll put it on after NM.
you will like it

are you a stoner? get high

i dunno, it's fucking weird

i never get high... but i'm in the process of getting drunk

now this song, 'the 13th asbath celebration' is fucking awesome, the song i'm listening to now.
awesome melodies... riffs, synths, vocals, epic arrangement. now that's some black metal that i fucking love. NM are badass muthafucks yo!
also light candles and kill junk

haha seriously it's gotta be loud and dark

im scared thinking about it

the second song is so goddamned creepy. no one has ever in the history of music played anything like that

salomon's gate
i listen to beherit and i seriously feel like god hates me and i am gonna go to hell

other musics don't make me feel that way so they gotta be doing something right
listen to the riff on sadomatic rites

no one ever came close to playing something that evil save for maybe black sabbath

you just can't be a no talent and just randomly come up with that