Traditional Doom Metal

Profound Lore has released some great material in the past couple years actually...Agalloch, Stargazer, Impetuous Ritual, Disma, Antediluvian, Blood Revolt, Mitochondrion, Vasaeleth...

I'm talking more trad metal, I don't really listen to any of that shit...but that Vasaleth didn't floor me!
That fest looks pretty cool and I'm planning on ordering Pallbearer's debut in the next week. Pretty excited to listen to it.
Revelation is playing a doom fest in Ottawa in May. Never been, thinking of the visit. So far Iron Man, Blizaro and Blood Ceremony is also playing
It seems this year should be better than the last for the genre, including a new album by Revelation. Here's a new song they did for an upcoming split for Lord Vicar:

By the way, Van Records reissued the demos of The Doomsday Cult, which is the first band of Ola Blomkvist of Griftegard, for those unaware. Apparently this was reissued back in May, but I only found out about it last week.
Wtf! I need that. I love both The Doomsday Cult demos but I've only got a homemade Cassette-copy I got from Ola a long time ago. So It would be nice to have something more "official".
Im still waiting for the Pallbearer album to grow on me. I can understand why its so popular but i'm not as ecstatic about it as everyone else seems to be. I'm thinking of Sorrow and Extinction like Warnings The Strength To Dream. They needed to come out with it before they come out with their masterpiece. Or maybe i just don't enjoy their style but because they sound a bit like Warning i'm trying hard to like it.