Traditional Doom Metal

What does Windhand rate as? I don't get classifications sometimes. I just know Soma is turning into one of my favorite albums lately.
Never heard them, but if you take MA's word, they are Stoner Doom.

To me, I like everything about Reverend Bizarre. Love their covers and all their albums. There is something about Albert's bass tone that hits me. It's so damn loud. Earl's drumming is awesome as well. I mean, anyone that can drum along to something as slow as the song "Cirith Ungol" and as long as "Teutonic Witch" without fucking up is impressive.
I mean, anyone that can drum along to something as slow as the song "Cirith Ungol" and as long as "Teutonic Witch" without fucking up is impressive.

This needs to be blown up to size 1000 font and plastered on billboards. Drumming slow and keeping accurate rhythm is so fucking difficult. If you have the twitch speed it's not that hard to stay on beat at high BPMs because the notes are so clustered together you can't notice small variations. Slow tracks with tons of space between notes? Your drummer better have a FLAWLESS internal metronome.
This needs to be blown up to size 1000 font and plastered on billboards. Drumming slow and keeping accurate rhythm is so fucking difficult. If you have the twitch speed it's not that hard to stay on beat at high BPMs because the notes are so clustered together you can't notice small variations. Slow tracks with tons of space between notes? Your drummer better have a FLAWLESS internal metronome.

Sure, but that's like saying it's not that hard to bench 350, if you're strong enough; the motions are very simple. Whereas juggling is difficult; that takes coordination.
What? How does lifting weights have anything to do with playing drums? I can't bench press 350 pounds because I lack the muscle strength, but I can play along to some slow songs and ALWAYS fuck up the timing.

FD-What have you heard from the genre? It's probably best to start with the classics from the genre if you haven't already checked them out.
What? How does lifting weights have anything to do with playing drums? I can't bench press 350 pounds because I lack the muscle strength, but I can play along to some slow songs and ALWAYS fuck up the timing.

Bic boi, do you not understand the analogy? I should've made the comparison to a marathon, since playing fast is a matter of endurance rather than strength. That's still no excuse for missing the point, though. You are conflating the analogy with the actual scenario at hand. You are being literal-minded.

Someguy was suggesting that playing fast isn't actually difficult, because it's easier to stay on beat than it is when playing at a ponderously slow tempo. I'm not discounting that playing slow can be deceptively hard, but playing 2-minutes of continuous or near-continuous blastbeats presents its own challenges which should be blatantly obvious.
Any of you guys could recommend me some awesome trad doom? Could really use some more music from this genre.

Thunderstorm - Witchunter Tales
While Heaven Wept - Of Empires Forlorn (yes I'm aware they aren't Doon any more but they were before vast oceans, and very good, if you ask me)
Thanks Krow really liking Thunderstorm so far. Great vocals. I'll check Where Heaven Wept right after listening to this.

Yoda and rms: I love most of the big names like the ones rms listed including Black Sabbath, Pagan altar, Witchfinder General etc. So I guess I'm looking for more lesser known bands that are really good too. I stumbled on Lord vicar (trad doom with Black Sabbath influence) and just decided to look for more bands under this genre that are lesser known but doesn't necessarily have to be BS influenced.
40 Watt Sun, early Against Nature, Age of Taurus, Apostle of Solitude's debut, Asylum (SKR re-release), Black Hole (check out Land of Mystery and see if you like Italian Doom), Blood Farmers, Capilla Ardiente's EP(singer from Procession is in this band and they rule), Cardinal's Folly, Condenados, Dawn of Winter, Dream Death (heavier doom but they are considered legendsssss), Iron Man The Passage is my favorite of theirs.., Ogre's Plague of the Planet(not traditional but they rule, guess they are considered stoner-doom or some shit), Pallbearer, Procession(their release from last year is amazing), Reino Ermitano they are OK--some people love them though they are Peruvian I think, Saint Vitus (first two personally), Unorthodox's Aslyum

That's all from my collection. I wouldn't really call While Heaven Wept traditional but their old stuff is pretty awesome
Wow thanks a lot guys! I've dled a ton of things from rms' list. Some of the artists I have to torrent them/youtube them. I actually like Dream Death, and noticed they have another album so totally dled that to give it a listen.

Yoda: I haven't heard that Revelation album, added it to bandcamp. I have Inner Harbor, which is awesome. And of course that Warning album is cool, but gotta be in the right mood for it.

Mort: The track was awesome. I love that band, and need that album.

Tonight is gonna be a long night! :kickass:
Think I'm gonna go ahead and piggyback off some of those recs haha.

Also.... give Cathedral a listen. Kinda shocked I didn't see anyone mention them, one of the best in my opinion. My favorite album is Forest of Equilibrium but they're definitely one of those bands where best album is debatable.
Cathedral kind of sucks but their final album was actually pretty awesome.






