Traditional Doom Metal

Do you guys remember Vilden, I think was his name, fuck that guy knew doom metal. When I first started posting here, his recommendations alone got me hooked on this stuff.
What, exactly, would be your definition of traditional doom metal? I've always used it as the umbrella genre for nearly every subgenre of doom that isn't sludge/stoner/death/funeral doom.

I don't know Vitus maybe? For instance I woudln't say Psalm 9 is traditional even though they are a forefather of the genre. But I really don't put a lot of effort in genres or caring about that these days
Generally I consider 'traditional' to be anything that isn't either stoner, gothic, or funeral doom. Something with more straight up rock influence.

Then again I have been known to re-tag the genres of albums on my computer according to how I'd like them categorized.
I don't know Vitus maybe? For instance I woudln't say Psalm 9 is traditional even though they are a forefather of the genre. But I really don't put a lot of effort in genres or caring about that these days

To me, Vitus has more to do with stoner doom, but I agree they are traditional doom. But yeah, fuck it, who gives a flying fuck.

You should familiarize yourself with every one of these albums.
I actually have that Cathedral album (Forest of Equilibrium) and remember thinking it was OK. I'll revisit it for sure, though.

Mike: I'm afraid we have too similar taste in doom. Only one I don't have is Scald, which I'll dl to check out.

Going through those YT videos, dug all of those. Count Raven sounds a lot like BS and those solos…. damn
Forest of Equilibrium is one of my favorite doom or albums period. It is a transitional album for me. It is not traditional in a sense of old Candlemass,Trouble,Solitude Aeturnus,etc.. but it is not doom/death either. I like the atmosphere of it, the way the album actually sounds.
I like Cathedral because the vocalist reminds me of Justin Oborn, so it's kinda like a less stoner more trad Electric Wizard for me.
I really liked that. And really lament the fact they're not on Rhapsody, my music playing media of choice.
Hey at least I'm paying something, Rhapsody aint free. And bands are only on there if they want to be... or if their record company wants them to be. Either way it's more legit and respectable than Utorrent or using Youtube all the time.
Forest of Equilibrium is one of my favorite doom or albums period. It is a transitional album for me. It is not traditional in a sense of old Candlemass,Trouble,Solitude Aeturnus,etc.. but it is not doom/death either.
That's an interesting way of looking at it. I've always thought of early Cathedral as a slightly more extreme take on traditional doom. Even thought Winter came before them, they defiantly played a hand in doom becoming more extreme in the 90's. I've said it a million times but for the sake of conversation I'll repeat myself and say Cathedral lost me for a while after The Ethereal Mirror until they decided to become a serious doom band again for Endtyme, one of their best albums. The VIIth Coming is great too. Not a "true doom" album or whatever but its one of my favorites. The Last Spire is a monster, a perfect way for them to go out. The guitar tone on that album is unreal.

I've been binging on Count Raven as of late. More specifically the Messiah of Confusion and Mammons War albums. Its insane just how much Fondelius sounds like Ozzy.
So it seems Hour of 13 has returned to the studio and is in demo stages, this time, and probably permanently, without Phil. His vocals were lackluster on the last album so I'm not totally broken up about it but I just feel like it won't be the same without that horses ass.

Since the beginning if the recording session for what is to be the new Ho13 album, the music and direction have taken a turn (in my opinion for the better) towards a more central and on point sound. Some may be put off by the journey away from the traditional Ho13 sound. But, mind you the fans, the sound and atmosphere is still very much Ho13. I hope within the next few weeks to premiere a new tune and begin the journey into this new era of the Darkness that is Ho13.

Thank you all for the patience and support all have shown through the turmoil and instability that has plagued this band. I will prevail and continue to evolve the music and ideas that possess Ho13.

Chad Davis

I'm really excited to read this but a little scared at the changing of the sound.

Edit: here's a song with Chad on vocals. He's much better than I expected!
