what have you been doing today?

Maqus said:
Yeah, the leader-killers of communism (especially the Russian ones, hehe) were just as deadly funny, I just saw a picture of Brezhnev today and he always makes me think of this comedian making a parody of him and his mighty moustaches slipped up above his eyes.
I recall a soviet documentary about German fascism from the 60s, some witty and scornful remarks in it really cracked me up although I'm not sure if a soviet propaganda film is meant to be funny in the first place.
I went to see Dissection tonight, but it was rather boring - both the music as well as this drunk fellow next to me who wouldn't stop talking. :Smug:
Now there's homework waiting for me. So I hope the guarana will do a good job and keep me awake for another wee while. *zombie mode on* o_O
my dying groom said:
I recall a soviet documentary about German fascism from the 60s, some witty and scornful remarks in it really cracked me up although I'm not sure if a soviet propaganda film is meant to be funny in the first place.

I'm gonna write about the working woman image of socialism, hehe, I'm looking forward to the things I'll find :D

But I saw a documentary yesterday, it was really good, a film about people in Ramleh, Israel, where an Arab Muslim minority lives (in a place called "the ghetto") and there are Israeli Jews, and Russian immigrant Jews too, it was about the time between 1999 and 2001, it was good to see a bit of reality and how these groups actually live in the same places. I really loved the voting scene, when Barak won over Bibi (never heared about them before), and all the Arabs were driving around the city horning their cars and the Jews were :cry: saying thigs like "it's a sad day for me when I see an Arab happy". Later this Barak was turned out by Sharon, apparently.
breakfast...written a mail. had to do it all over again cause it got lost. been chatting for a while, cleaned the house a tiny bit , been listening to some music, reading here....lunch...and coffee, hope that'll wake me up at last
Yesterday night I drank too much.. I don't remember how I came home and found my bed, but I woke up at 4:47 pm with a huge headache.. I found 18 missed calls at my mobile phone came from my poor friends who was concerned 'bout me. Till that time, I've been sitting in front of my PC.. (It's been an hour).. I hope I will have my breakfast sometimes:)
had a good 2h practise with my band, came to my moms and cooked five(!) courses of thai and indian food and one dessert (which no one had room for anymore :tickled: ). now thinkin of what to do, no money but a few beers in my system (thanks mom! :worship: )

You know what I've found to be one of the hardest things to deal with around conventional people? And this is mainly because I'm never around them. (till more recently). But to find out that people actually have some definition of what they think i should be like or should be doing because of my age. I don't know what the hell? ! I mean, What the fuck?! It always shocks me because I'm not limited in my mind and I never think of these things as a part of me, it's someone else's life, it doesn't even relate to me on any level.....but then there I'm hit in the face with it. I'm usually not confronted with this because people have no idea that I'm the age I am; most 20 year olds talk to me like I'm a peer of 30 maybe, not like I could be their parents even remotely, and I don't find anything strange about this myself, because I feel ageless somehow, but then when people find out, 20 year olds or people my age, their whole attitude changes. I don't know what to say, I hate being suffocated by this....god, just get off my back! I HATE being limited and defined this way. Who's to tell me what I can or can't do, or should or shouldn't be doing because of my age?! What the hell am I supposed to be? I'm just living my life!

Theough I have to say, I haven't lived in the suburbs of middle America for 20 years until three years ago and I think it is something that is in the non-urban mindset. I mean I used to work with people of all ages and guys much younger and older and we all related very easily and no one felt out of range to me, intellectually, experientially, or dating-wise, and I knew I didn't to them either. It's fucking weird out here. (and it must be over 'there' too.)
Huh? No.

And not racists, just all the age challenged individuals.

I think my grandad had something like that thing in front of their house. It was some kind of racist thing. It wasn't a jockey though. Er, was it?
@nomana-nuniyan: I know what you mean, ppl always need to put you within well-defined boundaries, otherwise they get scared. Then you are dangerous because you are not "known" to them. Ppl always ask me whether I'm a student. When I tell them I got my PhD 3 years ago, they're shocked... And just like you said I just want to be me, not some predefined category of social species!