what have you been doing today?

I have a couple of numbers in my head for about 3 weeks and yet I was lazy enough not to play them... or too pessimist. maybe this week. well, I have time until Saturday.

geez, I don't... the day after tomorrow it's christmas :ill: than I have to do it tomorrow...

if I'd win I'd buy tickets for everyone here to Spain and to that festival :lol: (wish I could do it... I have a dream of having lllllots of money and spending it on others. okay, not all, but anyways I wouldn't need it all)
El gordo, it has to be a number of 5 figures. You buy just a ticket i mean a share of that number for instance 5 euros. It is hard to explain.
www.elgordo.com, just go there it is in english, as well.

Anyway i won 25euros i think, and i have spent 40 so, crap.
Haha, funny you mention that, I bought the weekly lottery tickets tonight and I didn't find my friend's numbers so I got angry and started to fill in one field after the other, trying to copy the numbers from the previous ticket which I eventually found but for some reason I didn't manage, and then I ended up with like seven fields, hehe. I'm sure I won't win anything.
maybe you can do it online. I just heard that here in Hungary as a new feature we can... maybe I'll try it, I'm lazy enough (even if I can see the lottery shop from my window...) :lol:
Just finished up a religious ceremony this past week that has been somewhat ongoing since this summer.

I took 45 flesh offerings out of my right arm. The last nine were this past weekend.

I originally did five weeks of four offerings each week, then starting last month did two more of eight each, then sunday did the last nine of them.

the last nine were a bit small comparatively, because the further out I went the more sensitive it became, although, the two previous offerings were the largest ones and they were just inside that though they were significantly less sensitive.

Ah well, they got done, so.....


this one was taken right before the last set of offerings

They are committed prayers. I pierced with a pin, then pulled it out with a thread on either side of the pin, then cut it off with a blade.

I make tobacco prayer ties before the ceremony; the first five ceremonies I did 600 ties in total before the ceremonies, then the last three did 450 ties in total before the ceremonies. There is a prayer for each tie, then the ceremony consists of the prayers for each flesh offering. I pray while I do it.
This ceremony was for the well being of a person I know.
huh had a nice day out with a friend, been to a tea house and a danish sandwich bar :) we also had a biiig walk what I enjoyed as i always enjoy biiig walks with friends :grin:

at least it was all good to wash away all that shitty evening I had last night... I met another friend and had a nice evening out, I mean it was nice until his wallet got stolen :erk: than it all got fucked up. we sat for hours at the police (and that officer was anything but nice to us...) in the end my friend slept at us because he also had his ID and monthly pass and everything in the wallet and he could not go home for it was late at night (and he lives in another city). and he was too upset to go to his mother's house and said he would kill the ticket controller if he'd met any. than I found it better to offer him my room and moved to my sister's and slept on the floor. I could not really sleep I don't have to mention...
I'm kind of angry, for I remember 2 guys who just came in and sat down at a table next to ours, ordered nothing and in less than 2 minutes they left. 10 minutes before this he did have the wallet. 5 mins after it he didn't... and we were laughing how funny it is that they just come in and leave without anything :erk: shit... he also got his jacket stolen about 3 weeks ago :( really nice for a year-ending...