what have you been doing today?

Nevermind, I'm ugly too. Even MDG is ugly. :rock:

Come on, I promise I won't post it on the forum, but I'm curious enough now.
all i've been doing all day is studying. I think i've studyed too much, and now my brain is about to explode.
i need to take some stupid exams to graduate....grrr
-went to the university but couldn't get the answers for the things I wanted to know.
-went to a metal shop to ask about the dvd, but it was closed because of inventory :ill:
-also went to check a shop one of my friends recommended me, he said they sell that kind of sandals I want to buy for a long time, but no, they don't sell those kinda things :cry:

-met a friend and it was good and all that, so I'm happy in the end :)
i discovered that about three days in. but maybe it's cause I went to an american one.
my dying groom said:
Nah I'm just too cynical, uni is the icing on the cake of your life ;)

I think that's you being too optimistic...

I can't wait until I'm done.