what have you been doing today?

and you had the temerity to laugh at david hasselhoff

hes laughing last at you on his plasma screen intehrweb in his big mansion which was built on his record sales in germany
I preferred the A-team and McGuyver. I wonder why they never explored the gay undercurrent in kits relationship with michael in any of the episodes. Tho hasselhoff did have the eptiome of an 1980s haircut
Bambi said:
I preferred the A-team and McGuyver. I wonder why they never explored the gay undercurrent in kits relationship with michael in any of the episodes. Tho hasselhoff did have the eptiome of an 1980s haircut
did kit get wrecked and a new kit was made,,ever?
Bambi said:
the gay undercurrent
pistol_pete said:
I mean in the show like, was the car always the same?

Whats Steven Seagal's favourite beer?
Ah no. I only have one story i can tell you about him. over and over

Tho he did an ad for mountain dew which was actually...funny. So i guess thats what he drinks now :kickass:

hey, they just moved the kickass smilie into the main list. thats :kickass: