what have you been doing today?

Aaaaw, you're like the metal-dissing once metallers, "we're all showing off we're university students but we say we find being a student uncool cause it'd be sooo uncool if we admitted it we're showing off we're university students". Bahh.

At least studying has a clearly defined purpose, a goal, when you're finished you may even feel you've achieved something. I learned English at the uni, I met great people and my mind was opened there, not even mentioning the things I learned there and that I didn't have to work. I don't give a fuck about study dissers, nor about spreading the knowledge, it's all about me.
I'm not totally dissing it. I don't enjoy it. I realize the purpose.

I guess my problem is i poorly thought about where i wanted to go. i made a commitment though, and i'm going to finihs. besides, i'm only 20. i'm not quite ready to start life yet, so this is a nice transition. though, i only have two semesters left. i don't know how much i can grow up in one year.
Maqus said:
Aaaaw, you're like the metal-dissing once metallers, "we're all showing off we're university students but we say we find being a student uncool cause it'd be sooo uncool if we admitted it we're showing off we're university students". Bahh.

At least studying has a clearly defined purpose, a goal, when you're finished you may even feel you've achieved something. I learned English at the uni, I met great people and my mind was opened there, not even mentioning the things I learned there and that I didn't have to work. I don't give a fuck about study dissers, nor about spreading the knowledge, it's all about me.
Pfff calm down, it's not like studying is a revelation. I like it, otherwise I wouldn't have started doing it. I don't like it for its purpose but for its temporary freedom though. I want to achieve something, yet I also want to have fun.
I went to that Tiamat gig last night. Thank god I got in for free, I would not have wanted to spend 21 euros on such a poor show.
I had to suffer through three support bands... Sirenia: had one or two ok songs, the rest was :Smug: Pain: a pain indeed :yuk: Theatre Of Tragedy: :erk: that girl should've taken some singing lessons before going up on stage... - what a weak voice. Tiamat prolonged the boredom. It seemed like someone hit the repeat button over and over again. Totally uninspired, unoriginal. I left after they'd played "Whatever That Hurts". :zzz:
Trying to get unparalyzed from something of which someone just helped me do. I feel like I can move foreward regardless of what the doctor tells me. I know it will be ok ultimately. This is everything.

snow2fall said:
I went to that Tiamat gig last night. Thank god I got in for free, I would not have wanted to spend 21 euros on such a poor show.
I had to suffer through three support bands... Sirenia: had one or two ok songs, the rest was :Smug: Pain: a pain indeed :yuk: Theatre Of Tragedy: :erk: that girl should've taken some singing lessons before going up on stage... - what a weak voice. Tiamat prolonged the boredom. It seemed like someone hit the repeat button over and over again. Totally uninspired, unoriginal. I left after they'd played "Whatever That Hurts". :zzz:
:erk: starting to get afraid.
hope they get cured in the upcoming 3 days...
So I'm planning on skipping that whole disillusioned university fuck-up act and get on with my education. Encouragement at last, if my wishes are granted, I'll have the following courses the coming semester:

America in the World: Transnational and International Contours of the (Post) Modern Era, 1960-2005

This course will take a broad overview of various themes in modern US history in order to provide students with the opportunity to explore how globalization and Americanization converge and conflict. The course begins with the rise of John F. Kennedy and the Cold War tangents and domestic changes reaching up to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Roaring Ninties, and the post 9/11 world of American Empire.

The Literature of the Beat Generation

Rowdy and raucous, unruly and uninhibited, the writers of the Beat movement erupted into post war American culture with a sense of mission: to redefine social and spiritual values and to reinvent daily life. To what extent they may have or ought to have succeeded in accomplishing their goals may be debated. This course will consider the roots of the Beat Generation in American and in international cultural and literary currents, and will examine certain of the central works of the movement. We will read the poetry of Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, Gary Snyder and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and novels by William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac.


Of course I'm writing this as passtime while trying to stay awake long enough to ensure one period of rest will be enough before studying for (pretty much haven't started) and taking my grammar exam at 9 tuesday morning, didn't say I'd skipped the disillusioned university fuck-up act yet :erk: . Have been doing various research to plan my schedule the coming semester though, so that's improvement.
Only two courses? :OMG:

Nice ones, though I never was too keen on the beat generation, or American poetry in general, except for e.e.cummings maybe, he's so ununderstandable that it's fun.
I've been looking at the sky in bewilderment!
Season's are all fucked up here in Belgium. I tought it was winter?!?
The sun has been shining all day and it's 13°C. No snow in these parts... :erk:
I'm sitting here, watching people doing an exam. They're sweating, turning red and blue, shuffling in their chair, pannicking big time,...
gna gna I'm enjoying this! I'm a terrible person. :ill:
Maqus said:
Only two courses? :OMG:

Only 2 I get to pick this semester, mandatory courses are the wonderful world of phonetics :erk: :erk: :erk: , Brit lit and translation studies. After that, it's done with the mandatory courses and on to the wonders of free choice (to a degree at least). And that America in the World is a so called project course, have to write my Bachelor project on that.