What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
... this place is just as inactive and Battleheart but not even half as good, wtf. I am seriously debating jumping ship. This place has become a gay wasteland. A gay-steland if you will. Where the fuck is everyone? I shoulda known this place woulda died if I left.
I'm afraid this forum is dead or dying. Deron killed it with the new rules. No trolling/ocassional flaming = no fun.

Says the guy who is #1 at sending me messages about people harrassing him and flaming him. Too funny... :cry:

My main rules were no more porn/inappropriate images. I could care less about the flaming aspect except that a LOT of you all message me constantly complaining about it, to "ban so and so he/she insulted me and is being a meanie boo hoo" etc. - you brought that part on yourselves.
Lamest threat ever.
It wasn't a threat :lol: I just stated how I felt.
Says the guy who is #1 at sending me messages about people harrassing him and flaming him. Too funny... :cry:

Actually, I never reported anyone. That statement was true for a LONG time, excluding my n00bhood. There was only one person I ever did report and that was after you STRONGLY urged me to do so, and you STILL didn't do anything, except throw it in my face, much like you're doing now. But whatever I'm not gonna argue with you. Your most popular forum on your site has been severely crippled by your new rules/fear of ban for the most obscure things. So myeh.
buy a chocolate bar and maybe he'll let you in to the candy factory.
... this place is just as inactive and Battleheart but not even half as good, wtf. I am seriously debating jumping ship. This place has become a gay wasteland. A gay-steland if you will. Where the fuck is everyone? I shoulda known this place woulda died if I left.

If I post naked pictures will you still jump ship?
