Which band do you think will rule Heathen Crusade?

That's not a bad setlist.

What's that really good epic song off the Burning Season EP? Is it "And the sun set on life forever"? I'm pretty sure it is....I hope they play it and turn me into a blubbering fool.
Erik said:
"Let the Sun Set on Life Forever" is originally from the first album Imrama. I doubt they really play anything off that anymore, they don't really have time for that with such long songs.

Maybe I'm thinking of the title track, "The Burning Season", but I dunno....I'll have to have a listen tonight. I really need to get an f'ing iPOD thing.

I thought the Wacken setlist was KILLER, they managed to play both of my absolute favourite songs by them (AA, GttG), so I'm happy. Nemtheanga has amazing stage presence by the way, ugh, that gig was just totally amazing. Small stage, crowded as fuck, was jollily singing along to GttG, and everyone was really into it. I HAVE BUT ONE DESIIIIIRE LET IT BE A PESTILENCE UPON YOUR LANDS

Yeah man, one of the primary reasons I'm going all the way to Minnesota for this gig is for Primordial... :kickass:
I bought tickets to this gig a month ago. If you fucks are in town on thursday. You are all invited to come over and get drunk with my chum and I as nordic hymns blast from a shitty cd player.
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
I bought tickets to this gig a month ago. If you fucks are in town on thursday. You are all invited to come over and get drunk with my chum and I as nordic hymns blast from a shitty cd player.

We're all arriving Friday afternoon or evening at some point. We should definitely make plans to meet up for some mead & wenches! :loco:
I'm making a whole weekend out of it. Thu-Sun. Going to go to mall of america upon arrival, get wasted, check out the swedish institute on the next day, headbang on saturday, and shit my drawers on sunday. I hope I don't look like a fanboy walking out of the venue with 10 t-shirts. :loco:
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
I'm making a whole weekend out of it. Thu-Sun. Going to go to mall of america upon arrival, get wasted, check out the swedish institute on the next day, headbang on saturday, and shit my drawers on sunday. I hope I don't look like a fanboy walking out of the venue with 10 t-shirts. :loco:
Most of us arrive in Minn. at around 8PM Friday night. I imagine we'll drop our shit off at the hotel and waste no time getting hammered. Hell, we might even get drunk on the plane.
