Which band do you think will rule Heathen Crusade?

nah, it wasn't so bad itself, just everything from there on out isn't worth the time, it was agony driving through the plains.

I went up to the top of the arch, give that a try if you go there, nice view of the city. I made the mistake of driving up to the baseball stadium right as a game was starting, how to sit at a light for the longest time while millions of retards flocked in for a game. Then ate dinner at Chili's (chili's sucks). So I'm a little bitter with St Louie
I heard the only good thing about St. Louis is the BBQ. other than that, I had no reason to stop there, just have driven past it.

but a four state trip AZ NM UT CO is excellent. I was so road weary going through NM that I stopped at Truth or Consequences and had a perfect Mexican omelette smothered in salsa, maybe the best, most welcome breakfast I think I've ever had.

at least, other than returning to North Chicago from Philly in a two car caravan after seeing the Dead for three straight nights, and stopping at Bob Evans for biscuits and gravy.
markgugs said:
I've made drives that long or longer at least 3x in my life. It's really not that bad.
Me too.

NJ to Kansas City roundtrip x3
NJ to Atlanta roundtrip x2
NJ to Miami roundtrip

Some of these were because it was cheaper, some of it because I use to be afraid to fly.

JayKeeley said:
Yeah but we might end up in the sticks. You could barely make it out of Wacken without ending up in a field. :loco:

We're staying at the freakin' festival hotel. I'm sure we can find out where people are drinking, etc. Shit, even if worst comes to worst, at the very least we can all grab 6-12 packs or something and hang.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah but we might end up in the sticks. You could barely make it out of Wacken without ending up in a field. :loco:

You loon, the hotel/festival bar is in a nice suburb of Minneapolis; think your house from NYC. :lol:

Downtown Minneapolis is about 20 miles, at most.
Hey there, this is Kris, one of the organizers of Heathen Crusade. Its great to see so many people talking about this little shindig John and I are putting together. Just to clear up a couple things...

1. Keen of the Crow is not playing, they were replaced by Autumn Eternal.
2. The after-party band will NOT be one of the bands that played earlier in the night. We are looking for another band (any style really) that would be cool to sit back and listen to while everyone gets hammered:rock:. Hopefully we'll have that nailed down in the next couple weeks.

Sorry for any confusion.
Oh and I just got back from the Arnhem Metal Meeting where I saw Thyrfing. Here are some photos from their set...http://www.kupshi.com/content/arnhem2005.htm

They played for 50 minutes and their setlist was as follows:

- Intro
- The Voyager
- Digerdöden
- Far åt helvete (new)
- Jag spår fördärv (new)
- Mjölner
- Ways of a Parasite
- From Wilderness Came Death
- Raven Eyes
- Kaos återkomst
kupshi said:
- Intro
- The Voyager
- Digerdöden
- Far åt helvete (new)
- Jag spår fördärv (new)
- Mjölner
- Ways of a Parasite
- From Wilderness Came Death
- Raven Eyes
- Kaos återkomst

Thanks for the set list, and thanks for keeping us in the loop.
