Albums you still can't get into

Ozzman, didn't you post TRITSIO it as one of your favorites some time back? I used to listen to it a lot myself but never really got it, it's pretty inventive musically speaking, but doesn't do much for me.
Carnage-Dark Recollections
Morpheus Descends-Ritual of Infinity
Immolation-Close to a World Below
Crimson Massacre-The Luster of Pandemonium
Just about everything from black metal album except Bathory and Venom
Iron Maiden - Virtual XI
Judas Priest - Demoliton
Gorguts - Obscura
At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours
Crimson Massacre - The Luster of Pandemonium
Molested - Blod Draum
Deathspell Omega - Fas

All of these albums are good. But for some reason the music doesn't move me. It's too awkward and complex to really feel like it has drive to it.
At The Gates: with fear I kiss the burning darkness.

ATG is great and all and this album just really sucks.
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha

Devoured Death is such a kick ass song but I just can't get into the album as a whole. Way too much blasting.

Other than that, pretty much every album I buy grows on me.
The first half of that album is great! The second half does suck though.

I liked a few songs and the problem is the production and the guitars sounding off and melody and music going nowhere. I had the remastered version and it was still one of the worst production jobs and I really enjoy sunlight production jobs generally.

The guitars on The Red In The Sky is Ours harmonize and the guitars on WFIKTBD do not atleast to my ears.