Albums you still can't get into

At the Gates. No specific albums, but I have the Suicidal Final Art compilation and it's tough to get into most of the songs off of it. Though I haven't given it much of a chance either.
I still need more time to get into every Primordial album more. Every time I listen to The Gathering Wilderness, I don't know if I like it or don't like it, so I guess I gotta listen to it more.
I liked a few songs and the problem is the production and the guitars sounding off and melody and music going nowhere. I had the remastered version and it was still one of the worst production jobs and I really enjoy sunlight production jobs generally.

The guitars on The Red In The Sky is Ours harmonize and the guitars on WFIKTBD do not atleast to my ears.

i would give a detailed response to this except i don't know sign language
but yeah i cant be bothered to think of a load although there are a load. enslaved come to mind - i can tell they were *good* but i've never got anything out of them except live. with megadeth it's not so much a case of me not getting into them as it is them sucking.
agreed, Estrangement was a big deception for me... it just wasn't entertaining at all.
Mine is Spawn of Possession. Some music is hard to get into, but even from the first listen I get a vibe or a feeling from it that I know it will pay off and that it has some deep quality to it that's not apparent right now. It just doesn't happen with SoP. I don't even bother trying to get into it. I'm pretty much convinced its randomness... Want good contemporary tech/brutal dm? Ulcerate

Latest DsO comes to mind.

How is the average human meant to know what you're talking about?

Gorguts - Obscura
At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours
Crimson Massacre - The Luster of Pandemonium
Molested - Blod Draum
Deathspell Omega - Fas

All of these albums are good. But for some reason the music doesn't move me. It's too awkward and complex to really feel like it has drive to it.
All of them are such awesome albums!!!!!

Disillusion - Back To Times Of Splendor

Howwwwwwww? It's very accessible imo.
I was never able to get into either Dark Tribe albums. A lot of people who I often share the same views on many albums love this band but I just can't get into them.