Arrival Times


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
As some one mentioned it is time for the arrival thread.

Post your ariival times so pople can see and arrange meet-ups at the airport or whereever.

I will be arriving at 3:06 pm Wednesday on Frontier Airlines.
Landing again around 2:40 PM Wednesday as long as there are no delays....Hopefully no other Hurricanes are looming on the horizon...

We land around 3:30pm on Wednesday on Frontier..

I think we are on the same flight, and I was told yesterday it will arrive around 3:00 to 3:15 pm barring any delays. I wish they would get their flight arrivals and departures together. My departure time from El Paso has changed 5 times since i bought the ticket.
Denver to ATL - arriving at 326. Looks like some people I recognize on sight are landing at around the same time (met John last year, Jax a year or two prior to that). I will be checking a bag (gotta have room to bring back goodies - plus I am bringing some little things for JOP - so I have to head to the baggage claim area then get the MARTA tix (damn they screwed me repeatedly last year lol).

Denver to ATL - arriving at 326. Looks like some people I recognize on sight are landing at around the same time (met John last year, Jax a year or two prior to that). I will be checking a bag (gotta have room to bring back goodies - plus I am bringing some little things for JOP - so I have to head to the baggage claim area then get the MARTA tix (damn they screwed me repeatedly last year lol).


hey Jeff I see we are on the same flight, so .let's hook up in denver, you too Jax, I will only have 40 minutes between flights so expect me to come a running, after my flight from EL Paso lands. Oh yeah I can't run, so I might be on one of the carts. hehehehehehehe:headbang::headbang::headbang:
5:52 pm on Thursday as long as there are no more flight time changes.

So basically I have enough time to quickly stop at our hotel, drop the bags off at the room and then quickly hike over to the venue.
*shakes fist at 2 and a half hour flight time change*
The wife and I are starting our drive on Tuesday night, getting a hotel room for the night once we can't drive any more, and finishing it Wednesday morning. I'm guessing some time around 2PM.
