Arrival Times

Nick (DemonoftheWoods) and I will be arriving at The Artmore at the usual time - Wednesday mid-day via 12-hour car ride from Baltimore.

We only have tickets to Friday and Saturday so far. Budget is tight this year, so we may or may not be able to hit up the other shows. We might go, but we might be just as happy hanging out in the courtyard at The Artmore drinking and catching up with some of our extended metal family. :grin: See you all in a few days! :rock:
Rollin in 1pmish on Wednesday. Depends on how long the drive from Jersey takes. Oh and, Drew's staying with me. who wants to touch me.
Bueller? Bueller? Oh damn that's right, the shows don't start until wednesday. Guess it's off to explore Atlanta :) Well, with the LSU-UNC game in town last night we are still running into interesting people here at the Residence Inn, not to mention getting to hang with The Su and Lara last night.
but can I just tell you how much I *hate* checked baggage fees? :mad::mad::mad:

Yeah, yeah, I know...I should bring less stuff...

I tried so very hard to just have two carry ons this year to avoid AA's dumb fee, but with the clothes, lap top and camera is just was not gonna happen. I did manage to cut way back, and have a ton of room for all the swag I buy so that I didn't have to pack an empty bag this year for all that!! :lol:
Just found out that Drew (Curufin) WILL be attending this year woooohooooo

Dang, they'll let just about anyone in.... :lol:

Bueller? Bueller? Oh damn that's right, the shows don't start until wednesday. Guess it's off to explore Atlanta :) Well, with the LSU-UNC game in town last night we are still running into interesting people here at the Residence Inn, not to mention getting to hang with The Su and Lara last night.

Haha, you posted that on Sunday. If you had wandered down to the hotel district downtown, you'd have seen....a lot of unforgettable weirdness. ( Dragon*Con ) :)
Funny you should say that - we spent a lot of sunday people watching the dragon con folks from Hooters. As Jim's son pointed out it is probably one of the only times that people in Hooters spent most of their time looking OUT and not inside :)

Dang, they'll let just about anyone in.... :lol:

Haha, you posted that on Sunday. If you had wandered down to the hotel district downtown, you'd have seen....a lot of unforgettable weirdness. ( Dragon*Con ) :)
Thursday afternoon here. Staying 10 miles from Midtown because I refuse to be held hostage by the hotel prices. I'd rather rent a car and drive
Getting ready to leave right now.

Me and Dave (hoodaman) should be hitting the Artmore sometime after 2.
I've been here since yesterday. I drove down from Progday with the family. I'm currently at the aquarium and will be at Regency Suites later today.
U.S. Hellways, indeed. I can handle near-collisions on the runway, but can I just tell you how much I *hate* checked baggage fees? :mad::mad::mad:

Yeah, yeah, I know...I should bring less stuff...

I hate, hate, HATE the baggage fees!! How can you tell me my flight will be $280, with taxes and fees THEN say, "Oh, that's another $60 for one bag round trip."? F*UCK that, I say! I did it last year and I'll do it again this year. Carry on ONLY. It sucks, especially in the shoe department, but I just won't pay those damn fees. So, yea, you'll see me in a lot of repeat-wear but I'd rather sacrifice fashion for fees.

Oh, and Dave, Michelle and I will be arriving Thursday :cry: around 3ish. Maybe before. Gonna miss being there today. Have fun!!
Looks like my arrival time has been pushed bcak. Sitting in Dallas with John. His wife and Todd. Our 10:30 flight has been pushed back to 11:40. As of now. Stipid ass hurricanes/tropical storms. Pouring like a bitch here.....