As a metal fan, what other genres do you like that is not heavy metal?

people need to stop saying mainstream, for fuck's sake judas priest, iron maiden, slayer, metallica, cannibal corpse, opeth, led zeppelin, pink floyd, etc... etc... are all mainstream

what they are referring to is modern pop music

Yeah, also i think there are levels of Mainstream music or something. Kind of like, Mainstream of overall music (pop music) and mainstream music within Heavy Metal (like Iron Maiden,Judas Priest and etc..)
Go look at, say, My Chemical Romance's sales over the past few years and compare to, say, Opeth's and Bathory's. There are 3 different levels there. MCR is selling like hotcakes, Opeth is selling solidly but much lower, Bathory is selling low compared to the others but still halfway decent. That's the point he was trying to make. Sure, Panic isn't THAT mainstream, and it was a bad choice for an example, but the point is true mainstream acts that sell like fucking water in the Sahara whereas mainstream metal sells like water in Texas, and my point of underground selling like oil in the Middle East, to continue the metaphor.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with mainstream music, but good mainstream like Pantera and shit mainstream like MCR don't sell at the same level, so why not make 3 catagories instead of 2 and lumping great bands who sell well because they are great in with the shit bands who sell because they are popular and most people have shit taste.
I think i see some people who don't like some mainstream music just because it's "mainstream", but personally i like some few mainstream bands (not cause they are mainstream). Not because they are mainstream, but simply because they just sound good. Some people should give a chance to these few good bands too, i'm not naming anyone but yeah, that's what i think. For example, I'll always still like Metallica's early stuff. I don't give a crap if they went mainstream later on, cause i don't even listen to their later stuff anyways. even though i heard their albums a million times and now i listen to a ton more underground stuff, i'll still like the old metallica stuff...:Smug:
I listen to many different styles of music.

post grunge
post hardcore
post rock
indie rock
prog rock
psych pop
country rock
space rock
alt country
bossa nova
old school country

The list goes on and on. The only styles of music I cannot stand are opera and polka.