I know at first it was slightly lulz worthy. Now its just plain retarded

It's not lulz worthy because he's a genre troll. He has no room to move around (unless he changes over to some I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT POWERMETAL IS NOW THE BEST TRUEST THING) which means every post is the same shit. And it's in every thread. I mean even from the troll perspective I don't even see how this is fun for him :lol:. A good troll has a lot of room to move around and no one even calls them out for being a troll, they just think they're a dickhead. That's troll success.


About Dimmu... I can't find my cd with my DB albums but I really liked - or my favorite song was this song which name I can't remeber!!! But maybe you can help me a bit.... It starts with an ....maybe 1 min piano intro which goes like dün....dün....dün....dün..dün..dün..düüün...dün...dün...dün...dun... then the guitars come in.
I also can't remeber teh notes but it goes sth like this

Put your git and play on g-string:

5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-13-13-13-13-12-12-10-10-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-20-20-20-20-19-19-17-17-19-19-19-19-19-19-19-19... and so on... I hope you know which song I mean


BrutalHate is like a Tyrannosaurus then? If you don't move... he won't eat you.

You both made my wednesday. Now time to go to bed to give wine a rest. Tomorrow I have no lessons and today I went drinking with my hockey team. Go Wednesady!
About Dimmu... I can't find my cd with my DB albums but I really liked - or my favorite song was this song which name I can't remeber!!! But maybe you can help me a bit.... It starts with an ....maybe 1 min piano intro which goes like dün....dün....dün....dün..dün..dün..düüün...dün...dün...dün...dun... then the guitars come in.
I also can't remeber teh notes but it goes sth like this

Put your git and play on g-string:

5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-13-13-13-13-12-12-10-10-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-20-20-20-20-19-19-17-17-19-19-19-19-19-19-19-19... and so on... I hope you know which song I mean

I wasn't joking you idiots!
But I have found my Dimmu albums and the song was called Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen :p
Im totally impressed by this band.This is a great thing for Agalloch fans.:notworthy

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^ I dunno, didn't like it so much. The intro for the first song was cool, but the clean vocals in the second song sucked. Also, lots of folk influences, it seems, is it like folk-black, or viking or sth??
Some sort of atmospheric Bm with folk influences.I like it,but I dont like clean vocals too.Im looking for some bands similiar to Agalloch and this is the only thing I found.