I liked The Divine Wings... from SX. But that's it.

Code is pretty badass.
Symphony X are not cheesy. They are epic.

Epic = cheesy, at least in that sense.

@DHG No kidding, that was KoK?? What album is that from?

Oh, since I've been nominated the troll, I have to do this: Oh yeah?

Sounds like BM to me :lol:
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I liked The Divine Wings... from SX. But that's it.
Code is pretty badass.
Nigga u mad SymX is the epitome of fucking epic badassery in music today, truly. Also, Code is fucking amazing, at least the first CD was... would have been epic as fuck if Vortex did the vocals for the new album but whatever...
Epic = cheesy, at least in that sense.

epic =/= cheesy

your fucking stupid

Trolled :(

that's not spelling that's just grammar loolol

^ Ah, another one of those stupid comedy films that lacks a sense of humour... Have fun, have fun ^_____^
Dissection got me into BM:notworthy

Amazing romanian BM band Negura Bunget.Pink Floyd meets BM.:lol:

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