Easy for you to say that.In my country,its almost impossible to buy some things I listen to and even if I order,albums+shipping costs will destroy my modest budget.
I'm hesitant to click the Black Lotus tracks... I generally can't stand black/folk... the only stuff I've liked is Vintersorg. :(
^ Whaaaat? Not even Finntroll?!

Plus, it's not so much black/folk as it is melodic black, but it's not that great anyway...

BTW, the best athmospheric BM band has got to be Drudkh

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Finntroll's alright but I'm not the biggest on them

And Drudkh kicks ass in terms of atmospheric BM... fucking awesome.
Arise, Armadaaaaaaa
Undefeatable Wiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllll!

Kok isnt melodeath. It's kinda black/death, riffs are thrashy, voice is kinda death, but there's still that black metal feeling, tremelo-picking, epic atmosphere. Technical melodic black death metolz? :goggly:
This is like the best part in The Wealth Of Darkness, I love those epic lines that we can actually UNDERSTAND!
^^^^That was OK until the vocalist came in. After that it was just :puke:

If you want power metal, at least pick something decent, like Rhapsody or Symphony X.

Also, one of my all-time favs:

PS. Fuck. Got postjumped 4 times.

PS2. KoK is nothing like black or black/death. The vocals don't fit, the guitars sound differrently. Well, I guess the drums are SORT OF like black/death, but that's about it.
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