This is actually one type of thread that I don't mind seeing repeated hundreds of times.

There are sure to be an enormous pile of replies to this post, but I'll start:
DAYLIGHT DIES / check out @ & (OK, it's my band and those mp3s are only from a 2 year old demo, but we have a full length coming very soon..)
SATURNUS / 'Paradise Belongs to You' / 'For the Loveless Lonely Nights' & 'Martyr'. _EXTREMELY_ under-rated band, slow dark and romantic doom-metal.
RAPTURE / 'Futile' (very similar to Katatonia
Brave Murder Day )
ENTWINE / 'Gone'. Extremely catchy metal with an edge, similar to Sentenced, great clean vocalist.
SENTENCED / Anyone will do, but especially 'Amok' & 'Down'. Great catchy 'suicide-drunk' metal, haha.
ANATHEMA / All... could go on too long about different styles, but perhaps pick up 'Alternative 4', 'Judgement' first if you want clean vocals, or 'The Silent Enigma' if your in the mood for more doom/death related stuff. All is excellent.
oh.. and EVERGREY -- which I can't believe I've not seen posted more about in this forum. EXTREMELY good progressive/melodic metal with a great clean/rhaspy vocalist. Their new one 'In Search of Truth' is out soon, and I've got a copy.. it's going to blow Opeth fans away I believe.. (nothing like Opeth, but it's got technicality for those who want that, it's got perfect musicianship for those who want that, it's got amazing vocals for those who want that, it's got fantastic songwriting and great melodies too). Not a real 'downer' album, but a real fun kick-ass one at least.
I could go on forever, there are endless bands. Just remember there are also tons of clones that suck, so keep your standards high.. there are enough excellent bands out there that there is no need to waste time with the watered-down ones..