I can't remember that I ever wrote a song was - except for the vocals - awesome and then "slammed it down" to 2/10 because of the vocals, but anyone who has enough time on his/her hands to go through all my ratings (I haven't that time) may feel free to prove me wrong. I could imagine giving a song whose music I'd rate 8/10 or higher a rating of just 4/10 or 5/10, if I really couldn't stand/hated the vocals. The ratings I give express how much I enjoy listening to a song. Therefore, even if I don't enjoy listening to a song just because I can't stand the vocals, there's no reason for me to give it an above-average rating. I wonder if for those who dislike my ratings (based on vocals) something like "terrible/unbearable vocals" simply doesn't exist or if they would still give a song a very good, good or at least above-average rating, even if they found the vocals terrible/unbearable. If so, fine for them. But if I really can't stand the vocals of a song, I won't listen to it (again) - except for the purpose of participating in this game. Thus giving such a song an (above-)average rating which - in my book - means at least I wouldn't mind listening to it, if it was playing somewhere in the background, would be contradicting myself.